Philip Stein’s Wine Wand aerates wine in minutes

How can you get more flavor out of your favorite red wine? Most wine connoisseurs will tell you to give the wine time to breathe. The only problem is that this process can take several hours. Thanks to Philip Stein’s wine wand, a bottle of wine can be aerated in a matter of minutes. This crystal wand is a breakthrough in natural frequency technology that enhances the flavors and aroma of your favorite wine almost instantly.

The elegant and elegant wine wand uses encapsulated glass jewels that include the natural frequencies of oxygen, allowing them to perfectly aerate the wine. Simply insert the Philip Stein Wine Wand into a bottle of wine for about five minutes, or into a glass for two to three minutes. The wand releases the natural flavors of the wine, reaching its full potential almost immediately. The natural state of bottled wine is alive and organic.

Because wine ferments grape juice into mature wine, the remaining acids and sugars used in this process remain in the bottle. Before wine can be enjoyed to its full potential, it needs to be infused with oxygen. This process, known as aeration, helps remove alcohol vapors, tannins, sugars, and acidity from the wine. Only when these fermentation byproducts are released can the wine be fully enjoyed as the work of art the winemaker intended.

Philip Stein, a company best known for its feel-good watches, is a leader in luxury products for the well-being of mind and body. The Wine Wand was created using the same natural frequency technology used in their watches. By accelerating the aeration process through the infusion of the natural frequencies of oxygen, Philip Stein has made it possible for wine lovers to enjoy a perfectly balanced glass of wine within minutes of popping the cork.

This beautiful glass wand makes a great gift for the wine enthusiast and will be just as treasured as your favorite corkscrew. The wine wand has been tested by sommeliers around the world and received very high marks. Try it for yourself. Only for a small amount of wine from a freshly opened bottle in identical glasses. Place the wand in one of the glasses for two to three minutes and then taste the difference! Now a full bouquet of flavors and aromas can be enjoyed in just minutes.

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