Penis Function and Alcohol: The Truth About Drinking and Shrinking

Throughout the Western world, and particularly in the United States, alcohol is the preferred social lubricant. In a deeply entrenched drinking culture, sharing a few drinks on a date or at a social gathering is a firmly entrenched ritual. A glass or two of wine, a couple of beers, or a cocktail can help both parties feel more secure, allowing physical encounters to unfold as inhibitions are lowered. However, as most men know, there can be too much of a good thing when it comes to drinking and being intimate, leading to an unfortunate loss of penile function at the wrong time.

For men who are regular drinkers, this temporary effect can take on a more permanent state, leading to continued male dysfunction and even shrinkage of the precious organ. These problems can be avoided, and in some cases they can even be reversed. Understanding the effects of alcohol on erectile function and knowing how to care for the penis on a day-to-day basis can save men a lot of embarrassment and frustration.

erectile function

While a few drinks may initially increase a man’s libido, as well as lower his social inhibitions, alcohol is a depressant and relaxant. This means that as your blood alcohol level rises, your blood vessels relax, which may sound like good news when it comes to erectile function. However, alcohol also interferes with the nerve signals that prevent blood from leaving the penis; therefore, it becomes very difficult to measure up (and stay) up to the task.

loss of feeling

Alcohol also has anesthetic properties; while some drinks can relieve pain, they can also dull pleasure, leading to an inability to experience tactile stimulation. For men who are regular drinkers, this effect can become permanent due to ongoing nerve damage, and in some cases, the end result is irreversible loss of function.

Loss of sexual desire and shrinkage of the penis.

Chronic or heavy drinking can drastically lower testosterone levels; when testosterone levels drop, libido often drops as well. When testosterone levels are consistently low, a man’s sperm count also suffers, interfering with fertility. Worse yet (for many men), low testosterone levels have been linked to penile shrinkage.

Increased risk of infection

One final caveat about excessive alcohol when it comes to intimacy: Drinking interferes with the decision-making process, and men who have had a little to drink are more likely to engage in unplanned encounters without the benefit of protection. This increases the risk of partner-transmitted infections, which can cause long-term problems with erectile function, as well as other health complications.

To do

Taking care of the team, in addition to paying attention to general health, can have a beneficial effect in many cases of male dysfunctions, especially when they are related to alcohol consumption. For starters, exercising regularly can help improve heart function, as well as increase endorphin and dopamine levels, both of which contribute to a sense of confidence and well-being that can aid male performance.

It is also recommended to limit alcohol intake to one or two occasional drinks; for some men, even this can be too much, so men who have plans for a few romantic hours with a partner may want to avoid adult beverages for the occasion.

Nutrition also plays an important role in countering performance problems and increasing sexual desire. Getting the right nutrients, like zinc to boost testosterone, vitamin C for proper blood flow, and amino acids like acetyl L-carnitine for healthy nerve function, can be beneficial in reducing the incidence of erectile dysfunction. While many good penis vitamins and minerals can be found in a healthy diet, using a penis nutrient formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) daily can help ensure that the penis does not miss out on all the benefits of good nutrition.

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