Nutritional and homeopathic therapy for allergies and food intolerances

Nutritional Treatment

It has been suggested that food intolerances are more likely to occur when the mucous membrane lining the intestines becomes excessively permeable, allowing large food-derived molecules and breakdown products to pass from the intestines into the bloodstream and trigger responses of intolerance. This is known as the “leaky gut” hypothesis. Many food intolerance reactions of this nature are not mediated by the immune system through the production of IgE antibodies (as is the case in true allergic reactions). It is possible that some non-immunological mechanisms are also involved in food intolerance.

elimination diet

Although many tests claim to identify sensitive foods, their reliability has yet to be conclusively proven. Many nutritional medicine professionals consider the elimination diet to be the most accurate way to assess food intolerance. In this approach, all potential problem foods are removed from the diet for several weeks. Initially, symptoms may worsen, but if, as is often the case, improvement in symptoms is noted, foods are added back to the diet, one at a time, and a note is made of which foods cause the recurrence of symptoms.

Improving digestive function can help reduce the tendency for food intolerance, because a more complete digestion of food ensures that it is not absorbed in a partially digested form.

homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy is reputed to be helpful for children who are intolerant to cow’s milk protein (this is not the same as lactose intolerance, where the body cannot digest the milk sugar lactose) . The most commonly appropriate medicines are Silicea, Calcarea carbonica, Magnesia carbonica and Natrum carbonicum and to get a correct diagnosis it is best to take your child to a homeopath. If sensitive children continue to drink milk, other problems may develop, such as runny nose, asthma, and skin rashes.

Homeopathic pills often include lactose, which could theoretically cause problems if you are lactose intolerant. However, the amount of lactose is very small and unlikely to cause any problems. If it does, homeopathic medicines.

Silicea and Calcarea Carbonica

In children who respond to Silicea and Calcarea carbonica, milk often causes vomiting. Children who respond to Silicea tend to be small and wiry, with fine hair and delicate skin. However, appearances can be deceiving because these children can actually be quite determined, headstrong, and headstrong.

By contrast, children who respond to Calcarea carbonica are often large and plump, and may sweat on their heads at night. They are often stubborn and may have various fears that cause them to wake up at night crying and scared. Another key characteristic of these children is that they often love eggs.

Natrum Carbonicum and Magnesia Carbonica

In children who respond to Natrum carbonicum and Magnesia carbonica, the problem is more likely to be diarrhea. Characteristics suggestive of Natrum carbonicum include severe runny nose and symptoms such as sun-induced headaches. Symptoms suggestive of Magnesia carbonica include abdominal bloating and diarrhea resembling frog spawn. An affected baby may also have a sour odor, even after bathing.

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