Nintendo Wii System – Acceptable Exercise?

The Wii definitely has people talking and apparently exercising! The Wii originally launched in 2006, and by Christmas 2007, people were scattering, searching, and waiting outside various stores at 5am amid ice storms for one of the long-awaited, prized shipments. A distinctive feature of the console is its wireless controller, which can be used as a handheld pointing device and can sense acceleration in three dimensions. Another is WiiConnect24, which allows you to receive messages and updates over the Internet while in standby mode. I’d like to focus on the above feature and the associated rumor that the Wii is providing exercise to its users.

Childhood obesity and care for our elderly are pressing social concerns in the United States. Wii seems to address both problems. Playing the Wii has an impact on the user’s heart rate, energy expenditure, and the number of calories burned. Independent studies are producing positive results that regular Wii gaming can lower body fat, lower resting heart rate, lower BMI and result in weight loss. There is a well-documented study posted online by a man who added playing Wii sports to his daily activity regimen and left everything else the same. He also had positive results. You can find a link to his work below this article. In his study, boxing produced the most drastic results.

Members of the elderly care center have also been reaping the benefits of this system. This was a previously untapped market for video games. Wii has succeeded in engaging nursing home residents mentally and physically. It has brought out a spirit of competitiveness that has been sedentary in most of them for quite some time. An added benefit of Wii games for seniors is that they can play games with their children and grandchildren. The Wii offers seniors and their grandchildren something in common and an activity that they can participate in together and that they both enjoy.

The physical benefits of Wii games for children are a controversial point. Wii provides more exercise than traditional games, of course, but it shouldn’t encompass a child’s entire exercise regimen. It is recommended that a child get at least 60 combined total minutes of exercise every day. While playing Wii for 60 minutes a day would be more beneficial than watching TV or playing a traditional video or computer game, it shouldn’t replace traditional gaming entirely.

Outdoor play, including participation in team sports, has many benefits beyond physical activity. Social interaction, exposure to outdoor elements, exposure to new situations and environments are benefits that come from traditional play. These benefits foster a child’s imagination, creativity and sense of individuality. Also, according to a study from John Moore University in Liverpool, England, playing Wii games like Wii Bowling and Wii Sports burns about 60 calories per hour. This is dramatically fewer calories burned than walking, running, and participating in a sport.

Older people and adults on average get much less exercise going about their daily activities than a child. Wii games will have a more drastic positive effect on a person the more sedentary their lifestyle is. In response to the hype about the physical benefits of Wii games, Wii now markets a product called Wii Fit. Wii Fit is a pressure sensitive balance board. The board is used for a variety of dynamic activities including aerobics, yoga, muscle stretching, and games. The activities are geared towards providing a core workout that emphasizes slower, more controlled movements, such as in Pilates and Yoga.

In short, Wii games are advertised for their physical benefits. These benefits are mainly obtained by older people who participate in Wii games. However, when it comes to children, Wii games should be considered part of a child’s active play and in no way replace a child’s traditional outdoor play and participation in team sports.

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