My grandfather was a modern Viking beserker


Scholars today say that the Berserkers were Norse warriors who wore wolf coats or bearskins and fought in a trance of fury. I say they were much more than that. I think they actually transformed into wolves and bears!

Modern man has lost all his spirituality, and therefore the belief in supernatural events has been lost to him. But the writings of thousands of scholars prior to 1900 (when there were still some spiritual energies in the world) wrote about shapeshifting and shapeshifting.

Watch the modern classics, “Dracula” and the “Werewolf.” My Rune Master told me at the time of believing what was written, “where there is smoke there is fire”.

I have evidence of a berserker in my own family. It didn’t change shape though. My grandfather, who was born in Sweden, bit his tongue and raged every time he fought. Which he did many times. He was gassed in France during the First World War. He fell off a three-story building while tarring a roof (and drunk). He lost the use of his left arm. When he was 80 years old, he would take his SS check, go to his favorite bar, throw the check on the bar and say, “Throw me when this is over. If you can.” He was still wrestling in his 80’s with one arm.

Berserkers were also known as Odin’s warriors, as they all carried spears and had runes tattooed or drawn on their bodies.

King Harolds’ army included a band of berserker warriors who fought under the name of the Norse god of war, Tyr. They all carried Tyr’s rune on their shields during the battle.

Berserkers are mentioned in the Ynglinga saga. “Odin’s warriors rushed forward without armor, they were like maddened wolves or bears, they bit their shields and were as strong as wild bulls, and they killed people with one blow, but neither fire nor iron seized them. ..”

Berserker appears in many of the sagas and poems, including “The Saga of Hrolf Krakl”.

In Egil’s Saga, Egil’s grandfather was called Kueld-ulf, which means “Werewolf”. Kueld-ulf’s son, Skalla-Grimm was a berserker.

The Varangian Guard (Norse warriors working in the service of the Byzantine Empire) performed a “Berserker Dance” wearing masks and animal skins.

In 1015, Janc Eirkr Hakonarson of Norway outlawed Berserkers and sentenced them to law. In the 1100s, the organized berserker warbands disappeared.

But according to our new laws of Quantum Physics, the Berserkers still exist in the Quantum Ocean. You may want to attract one or two of them to protect your property if you live in a bad part of town.

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