Mobile phones: a necessary evil?

The mobile phone was originally designed to improve the ease of communication, but with rapidly changing technology, does it still serve the same purpose? As of its evolution, it started as a simple device that could make and receive calls and send and receive short messages and now, they can do anything once you install the right software. The question is: do we really need them?

In this day and age, I think they are more of a necessity than a useful device. In addition to its basic functionalities, it has gone as far as playing music from your radio stations, watching your favorite TV stations, and taking care of all your computer functions. In essence, your mobile phone is all you need in this technological age without having to worry about the volume.

Why are mobile phones necessary?

The world is becoming a small town and despite the distance between states; mobile phones bring people closer. Through wireless connections, you can communicate with loved ones around the world by making calls and sending text messages anytime and anywhere you choose.

With the provision of cameras and the Internet, you can also easily share special moments with friends and family. Although some people will hack into people’s privacy and use their information for malpractice, we still can’t prevent the use of these facilities. You can imagine taking a photo in one country and within seconds, a friend or family member will receive it on the other side of the world. The camera will also serve to save important moments just for you instead of carrying a bulky camera. Technology has improved the resolution of the mobile phone camera, making it possible to take nice and sharp photos. You can also record videos and store them to remember.

You can also store documents and files. As long as your phone has enough capacity to hold everything you deem necessary, you’re good to go. Technology has made it possible to increase your storage capacity with memory cards of different sizes suitable for mobile phones.

You can also surf the Internet from your mobile phone. This means you can download and upload anything you want without a bulky laptop or desktop computer. The truth is that they are simple, portable devices, with a variety of services that you would have previously accessed using different devices. With these devices, you can do this anywhere, even while you’re on the go.

Even with these advantages, they are preventing people from meeting face to face. With the ease of knowing how people are doing and if things are running smoothly through a simple phone call, people find no reason to meet face to face.

Medically, research shows that they spread radiation, which is dangerous to their users and can cause cancer.

Despite these few setbacks, we must agree that mobile phones have made our lives easier. With the correct use of these devices, we are probably safe from any harm they may cause. It is important to note that we are responsible for making inventions harmful or harmless.

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