Looking for a comprehensive solution to insurance fraud?

Insurance fraud is one of the most prevalent white collar crimes, generating billions of dollars each year. It is relatively easy to achieve when dealing with a criminal network that runs smoothly. A good example is health insurance where unscrupulous doctors collude with criminal clients to make misdiagnoses in order to make unwarranted claims.

Every insurance company is at risk of falling victim to insurance scammers. Only with the help of professional insurance fraud investigators can an insurance company uncover these attempts and stop these criminals.

Why use professional investigators?

An insurance fraud investigator is typically a person trained in law enforcement and experienced in handling white-collar crime. This professional can access more resources in monitoring and surveillance of suspected criminals. He can access medical reports, police reports, and witness statements to reach a conclusion if there is an attempted fraud.

Unlike the private investigators of the past, today’s professional investigators have a broader range of equipment and technology for surveillance operations and other tactics used in gathering information. There are cloud-based tools that can be deployed anywhere, as well as other tools that can track the collection of evidence on social media. What Kind of Work Can Insurance Fraud Investigation Experts Handle?

accident investigations

In some accident cases, the at-fault person lies to avoid liability. In other cases, the scammer will file a bodily injury claim after intentionally crashing a car. It is the job of an insurance fraud claims investigator to reconcile these narratives with facts including police accident reports, medical reports, and witness statements.

Operations monitoring

Fraudulent injury insurance claims are probably the most common cases of insurance fraud. Criminal claims for injuries and disabilities far from the truth. This type of fraud is detected through the use of surveillance techniques to establish the truth of these claims.

A surveillance expert can conduct a discreet surveillance where audio and video evidence is collected to make a case against the scammer. A person claiming to be disabled in a wheelchair, for example, may be caught on video walking her dog. However, undercover surveillance investigators are always careful not to violate privacy laws, which would invalidate the case.

The National Special Investigations Unit is a private investigations firm comprised of professional insurance investigators with extensive experience in catching and arresting insurance fraudsters. NSIU uses the latest technology to ensure accurate evidence is collected. We also perform background checks, scene investigations, medical surveys, and other investigative services. NSIU is your trusted partner in stopping scammers.

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