Learning to make your own nylon whip

Making something with your own hands can be rewarding and enjoyable. People of all ages are constantly looking for new hobbies or activities to do in their spare time. With school, work and family obligations, sometimes what is needed is to clear the mind of worries and tensions, to get away from those daily responsibilities. Building something with your hands can be a great stress reliever, as well as a way to keep your mind sharp and life interesting. Learning how to make a nylon whip or snake whip can be a great way to do this.

As the popularity of nylon whips continues to grow, more and more “whip makers” appear around the world. Many have produced their own whip-making tutorials. Some of these tutorials are excellent, some are good, and most are lacking in quality. For someone who has never built their own whip, be it leather or nylon, it’s hard to know where to start. It makes sense to follow a tutorial from a well established whip maker. So which do you choose? Here are some points to consider if you are thinking of making your own whip or snake whip.

  1. Seek instructions from an experienced whip maker. It stands to reason that someone who has been building whips consistently for five years will generally have more knowledge than someone who has been building whips for a year. This is not always the case, as there are exceptions to this statement. The individual talents that each of us possess vary. One person’s ability to make whips will advance more rapidly than another, as is the case with many things in life. However, someone who’s been around longer, built more whips, read more on the subject, and talked to more experienced whippers, would certainly be in a better position to tell you what’s what.
  2. Read reviews of a whip maker’s work. Before you buy, or even take a free tutorial from a whip maker, read the reviews of the whips they have built, both past and present. Talk to other people who have dealt with that particular whip maker. Forums are a great way to connect with other whip enthusiasts. Evaluate the customer service of any whip manufacturer whose instructions you plan to follow. If you buy a tutorial from someone, find out first if that person can be contacted if you have any trouble following the instructions.
  3. Always be courteous when approaching the beaters. I get questions almost daily from people all over the world who deal with whip making. With many of them, I have built a relationship of trust and friendship. There are others who approach me in an unfriendly way, almost demanding or expecting me to provide them with the knowledge they need. These people usually don’t get a response from me.
  4. Keep your expectations realistic. Don’t expect that you’ll be a natural whip, or think that your first whip will be the best you can build. Whip making is a constant learning process, taking years to perfect. A famous whip maker has been known to say that someone might need 600 whips before they are ready to start selling them. This may be an exaggeration, but you have to realize that it can take years to learn the subtle intricacies of making whips.

There is much more to discuss on this topic, and this article by no means covers everything that can be said. While exact sources for where to go for whip making instructions are not given here, we hope this has given you some helpful pointers in determining where to look for information on learning how to make your own whip.

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