Law of Attraction – Keep your attention on the road, not on the rocks

People who ride dirt bikes often ride trails in the woods. If you come across a large rock on the way and need to get around it, the best strategy is to look past the rock to where you want to go. If you look at the rock, focus on the rock, and think about the rock, nine times out of ten you’re going to hit the rock. But by focusing on where they want to go, the rock is usually easily navigated and soon left behind. Even if they hit the rock because it’s so big, they’re still focused on moving down the path, so their recovery time is fast and they’re off.

The “rocks” in our path, of course, are the things we see in our current lives that we don’t want to be there. Even if the circumstances of your life seem stagnant, they are not. You actually ARE on a path, and you ARE constantly moving and choosing your circumstances. It may seem like you are not moving and your circumstances are not changing, but that is because you are making decisions, moment by moment, to stay where you are and continue to live in the circumstances that currently surround you. If you want to hang out with a rock and talk about it and bump into it over and over again, the choice is yours. If you want to PASS an unwanted thing, focus your attention on where you want to go or what you want to have in your life. It’s all a matter of choosing what to focus on.

For more information on this topic, read “Are You in a Commitment Conflict?” which can be accessed on the article page at

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