How to successfully sell my property without an agent?

Selling by owner can save you a huge fee when you eliminate the typical 7 percent commission fee for real estate agents. Homeowners who are concerned about selling their home without an agent, remember that it is a learning process.

Put a price on your house

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t know the real value of your own home, don’t worry, you’re not alone. The fair market value of a home defines what you could expect to receive if you sold your home that day. This value may differ while asking different real estate agents and real estate agents. Most homeowners have no idea of ​​the true value of their home. Use online home valuation tools and conduct market analysis. In addition to this, you can also hire an appraiser who can help you calculate your home’s value in terms of square footage.

hire a lawyer

Although it is an additional expense, hiring a lawyer who can help you with legal work can do wonders for you. Unless you have significant experience selling a home, having a real estate attorney by your side will give you the peace of mind you’ll need throughout the process. The attorney will not only help you review contracts, evaluate complex mortgages or leases, and complex offers, but will also tell you what, by law, you must disclose to potential buyers and help you formulate a disclosure agreement.

spread the word

Getting the word out about your property for sale is the way to go when selling your home without an agent, and sadly, putting a “for sale” sign on your front yard and hoping for the best is no longer enough. Use your social media presence to your advantage and post an ad on multiple Facebook and Instagram pages. Most home buyers search for properties online today, so advertising your home online is really important. You can also list your property on various listing websites such as,,, and many more via Apart from this, you can also create some flyers and brochures and distribute them around the city.


In order to sell your house and earn a large amount of money, you must be objective. Yes, it is your home and you have your memories in that house, but at the end of the day, it is a financial asset. So negotiate the deal price as much as you can, but don’t push it too hard to scare off the buyer. In addition, there are other things that you can negotiate beyond the price. This includes appliances, closing date, and closing costs.

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