How to pass a kidney stone without pain

The advancement of technology and medicine has brought several options when it comes to kidney stone treatment. Kidney stones or kidney stones are a very common health condition that affects millions of people each year. If you have suffered from the same problem in the past, there would be a 50% chance that you will develop the stone in the next 10 years. People who live in warmer regions are more prone to developing stone due to dehydration. If you currently have kidney stones, these are the treatments and management styles your doctor may recommend.

drink more water

Water helps flush out toxins and waste products, including kidney stones. Although it is not a primary treatment for kidney stones, drinking more water helps flush smaller stones out of your body. It also prevents the further formation of larger stones. As much as possible, you should increase your water intake, especially if you live in a tropical region. Apart from water, you can also get the liquid from fruit juices. Lemon juice is rich in citrate which can help dissolve the core substance of the stone.

bread painkillers

Most patients receiving any type of kidney stone treatment require pain relievers. This is because the process of passing the stone in the urine can be extremely painful. In many cases, blood in the urine is even noticeable. If you can’t stand the discomfort, you can opt for over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If these drugs don’t work for you, your doctor may need to prescribe stronger drugs. However, make sure that you only take the prescribed dose.

Alternative therapies

If you believe in the alternative forms of medication, then you can go for a natural treatment for kidney stones. According to proponents, drinking a tablespoon of olive oil mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice is an effective way to get rid of kidney stones. Many patients attest to the effectiveness of this method. But of course, you have to discuss this option with your doctor before adapting it. Some doctors do not recommend the use of alternative therapies due to a lack of research to support them and the possibility of an adverse interaction with your existing medications and health condition.


Lithotripsy is a less invasive and medically proven kidney stone treatment. The procedure uses sound waves to dissolve the stone into smaller pieces. But if the stone in your kidney is too large, lithotripsy may no longer be effective and your doctor may suggest surgery to remove the stone.


Open surgery is rarely used as a form of kidney stone treatment. This is due to the complications and risks involved in the procedure. In addition, the procedure requires hospitalization and the recovery time is 4 to 6 weeks.


Since there is a higher chance that you will suffer from the same condition again, it is important to complement the treatment of kidney stones with preventive measures. Diet modification and lifestyle changes are crucial to prevent new stone formation.

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