How to Conquer Labor Day Car Sales

Many people view Labor Day as the last celebration of summer, hosting family barbecues, pool parties, beach days, and more. However, some get more excited with all the deals going on!

Sales are everywhere, including car dealerships. People really enjoy taking advantage of the massive savings on cars that are evident in the huge crowds at lots and showrooms. This means that if you plan to buy a car at that time, you need to be prepared.

Here are some tips on how to handle Labor Day car sales.

early start

Research and narrow down your list ahead of time. Search for the key components you’re looking for, such as price, make, model, safety features, expected cost of car insurance, etc. Fortunately, some dealers even have a few sales before Labor Day, so let that motivate you to get an early start.


Do you need a loan? Get it early. You don’t want to spend an entire day shopping for a car and be turned down for the loan. Experts recommend getting approved early, especially if you don’t have the best credit or plan to go to the dealership that typically has the best interest rates.

Extent to

The car buying process can seem overwhelming, especially if you feel like you have to do it all at once. As mentioned above, you need to do your research before you even set foot in the dealer. But, you should also test drive your prospective cars ahead of time. So when it’s time to buy, you’ll be sure of what you’d like and be well prepared to negotiate prices.

early or late

When it comes time to buy a car, you probably don’t want to go at the busiest times. Try to aim to go early in the morning or late at night. Some dealers even extend their hours.

Take another look at the sticker

It sounds a bit ridiculous, but make sure the car at the dealership is the same as the one you were looking at the day before or online. It’s extremely easy to confuse different car models, so double check the label to make sure it’s really the same one with the same features you want.

have your paperwork

Double check to make sure you have all the documents you need, including your current car documents for a trade-in, your license, registration, payment method, etc. Again, you don’t want to go through the entire tedious process only to find out that you can’t proceed with the purchase.

Be patient

Most experienced car buyers know that it takes a fair amount of time to get a car home. On days like Labor Day the wait can be quite long, so be prepared to wait and be patient.

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