Healthy eating in 100 words

Everyone has a different idea of ​​what healthy eating means. Some think it’s about eating lettuce and drinking only water. Others think that eating healthy means that you have to make gigantic sacrifices in your life that are equivalent to starving to death. To me, eating healthy means this:

“You only get one chance at life. It makes more sense to increase your chances of living longer, rather than decrease your chances of living longer. Eating healthy means you’ve taken the initiative to be around your loved ones longer. Heart attack Stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol have all sunk in at some point, and you refuse to take chances Eating healthy means you have free will, self-awareness, self-confidence, and the desire to look and feel great every single day . You understand your bank statement, so you need to understand words like sodium, fat, and sugar. Start now.”

Simple ways to eat healthier starting today:

* Reverse your veg to non-veg ratio.Eat more vegetables and less of the other things, those other things are what are giving you the love handles. Meat is high in sodium and fat, so eat less.

* The butter is gone. When you order, make sure they prepare your food without butter. Most restaurants use butter to add flavor to foods that have been out for a while.

* Use milk instead of cream in your coffee.

* Rinse all your canned foods before eating them. Take the sodium out of them!

* Learn about food labels.Reducing fat, sodium, and sugar is essential to living healthier.

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