german shepherd training

Once you’ve brought your German Shepherd home, it’s time to start training.

Although herders have a reputation for being unstable, the fact is, with the help of an experienced obedience instructor, your dog can be extremely well-trained. The first thing you need to understand is that dogs need to be trained from birth; they cannot be trained when they have already become adults. Trainers will tell you to always provide your shepherd with plenty of regular exercise as well as mental stimulation to tame his rambunctious nature. Otherwise, the bored puppy may resort to destructive chewing. If this occurs, simply sprinkle meat legs and other attractive targets with black or cayenne pepper to discourage chewing. Provide plenty of fresh water every day, but especially after long walks. And introduce your dog to lots of friendly people so he can learn to recognize normal behavior from good guys; a dog that is isolated can be suspicious of everyone, which can cause him to bite.

German Shepherds shed constantly, so be prepared to vacuum a lot. There are a few tips to reduce the workload: mix one part brewer’s yeast and garlic with two parts dog stew, or try Mrs. Allens Shed Stop, which is also mixed into the dog’s food. Daily brushing helps, but frequent bathing is not necessary. And remember to trim Fido’s nails at least once every two weeks. A little care and a lot of love help your German Shepherd become a loyal and welcome member of the family for years to come!

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