Expanding our hearts

This year, my New Year’s resolution is to get more involved in life outside of my usual sphere. My days are often consumed with work, family, and friends. However, I am now focusing on changing that limited scope. I am in the process of certifying my young dog as a therapy dog. We have been in training for more than a year. Soon we will be certified and will be able to go to nursing homes and the pediatric ward of the hospital to visit patients.

This furry little bundle of love has blessed me with his devotion, joy, and warmth. Soon we will be able to share our love with people who could use a boost in their lives. I was inspired by my older brother who had a stroke and lives in a nursing home in Florida. Fridays are their favorite day of the week because they bring therapy dogs to visit the residents. Lights up when they appear!

Each of us can make a positive difference in someone else’s life if we are willing to open our eyes and see where help is needed. Sometimes the smallest effort brings the biggest rewards not only to the person you help, but also to your own heart. Loving acts of kindness can help heal hurt, loneliness, and hopelessness.

We live in a world that is busy and fast-paced and in that activity the affection of one heart towards another can diminish. Let us each strive to find some time to care for our neighbors, members of the community or those who are suffering.

For this new year, consider how you can step out of your box and touch someone else’s hand, heart, or life. Every day is an opportunity to be someone you really want to be.

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