daily beauty tips

Maintaining beautiful skin is not an easy task. I learned firsthand that your skin shows what you eat. Oily foods can lead to oily skin if your skin is no longer oily. Eating fruits and vegetables can also help control acne; my three teenage sons have learned this the hard way. The more junk food they ate, the more they saw huge pimples on their face; when they cut down on their junk food and soda, their acne is low. The harsh winter months have caused dry lips and a little lip balm and/or vasoline will help prevent chapped lips.

I have been using cocoa butter on my face for over 5 years now; however, after getting a facial a month ago, I learned how important sunscreen can be even for me as a black woman. Also, keep nails, including toes (shoes must be removed), trimmed and clean. Once a month soak your foot in your favorite bubble bath while watching her favorite movie with her friends. Finally, I would like to add that cuticles do not always have to be cut every time you visit your nail technician; simply push back and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but makeup also helps protect against sun damage, especially if you wear sunscreen under your makeup. Many women put on makeup over and over again without discarding old makeup, which can cause breakouts and skin irritation. Makeup must be replaced frequently to prevent contamination. Use brush swabs to apply eye shadow and/or other makeup. Purchase foundation sponges at your local convenience store.

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