Cleaning and conditioning old 8mm film prior to DVD transfer

To ensure you get the best movie-to-DVD transfer, your old film reels need to be cleaned and conditioned. Preparing and reconditioning the film takes time, but will ensure optimal transfer quality. There are several factors that affect the condition of 8mm film.

Some of the damage your old movies sustained over time can be repaired, while others cannot. It is essential to inspect your Regular or Super 8mm film prior to digital transfer or even loading onto a projector. Scratches and unwanted lines are common on old film, but these aren’t the biggest challenges you encounter when transferring 8mm to DVD.

Films left too long in humid environments tend to develop mold or mildew. These microorganisms have a distinctive odor and have the power to irreversibly damage old films. They usually start growing at the outer edges and eventually work their way into the emulsion. A growth on the outer edges is repairable, but once it gets into the emulsion it is often damaging enough to render the film useless.

If mold, mildew or mildew growth is contained to the outer edges, a thorough cleaning can stop its progress before it reaches the emulsion. Chemicals are available to remove these microorganisms from the emulsion, but they usually also erase images. If you got to it before any serious damage has been done, you should clean it up and move the film to a dryer storage area.

Shrinkage must be measured before you can transfer film to digital format. Shrinkage of 0.8% to 1% carries the possibility of further damage to the film if you load it into a projector. 2% shrinkage virtually makes transfer impossible with even the best labs. A shrink meter is used to measure shrinkage, but you can also do it manually by comparing 100 frames of film to 100 frames of new film.

Before deciding on a film transfer lab, ask them what steps they take to prepare and recondition the film. A good lab has cleaning and conditioning equipment that would work perfectly with old film as long as it is repairable. The technician should also be familiar with all of the above issues.

Old movies hold precious memories of loved ones that are times forgotten. Cleaning and conditioning film takes time, but if you’re going to spend the money to transfer them, you better do it right.

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