Chiastolite metaphysical properties

Chiastolite is a variety of andalusite that contains a natural cruciform pattern or black cross and is also known as the “cross stone”. It comes in brown, gray, reddish-brown, and olive-green varieties. The name Chiastolite derives from the Greek “chiastos” which means cruciform or marked cross. In some ancient texts, chiastolite was also called “Lapis crucifera”, which literally means “stone of the cross”.

It is a prismatic and polymorphic metamorphic rock with two other crystals or minerals: kyanite and sillimanite. (A polymorph is a mineral that shares the same chemistry but a different crystal structure with one or more other minerals.) The chiastolite contains inclusions of black or brown clay and/or carbonaceous material in the crystal. These inclusions are arranged in regular symmetrical shapes. They are usually cross-shaped or X-shaped. This stone has a Mohs hardness of 7.5.

In earlier times he was revered because the cross within him was seen as highly spiritual. Ancient people revered the cross within it as a sign from God. Since ancient times it has been used for protection as this stone was intuitively known to have highly protective qualities. The chiastolite with its marked cross was used to deflect the evil eye, to ward off evil wishes and curses.

As a stone with a cross in the middle, it is often associated with Christianity; however, its discovery and tradition predates this religious association.

Chiastolite is a powerfully protective stone. It has the property of transmuting dissension into harmony. It is a creative stone with the power to dispel negative thoughts and feelings. It helps you find your way as you transmute conflict into harmony and aids in problem solving and change by strengthening analytical abilities.

This stone has strong metaphysical properties, and in meditation it will help you connect with the Akashic records to discover past life information. Its use as a bridge between worlds is recognized, or in times of change as an accelerator to release old limiting beliefs. Chiastolite can be used to empower and enhance astral travel.

It is a gateway to mysteries and is useful for those making the transition beyond death. It facilitates the understanding and exploration of immortality and is linked to death and rebirth. Dissolve illusions and calm fears, allowing you to face reality. It helps in the transition between one situation and another, especially on a psychological level, and releases worn-out patterns and conditioning.

Release feelings of guilt and balance and stabilize your emotions. It dispels negativity and helps transform all inharmonious vibrations into harmonious ones. Maintains spirituality and invokes protective forces when dealing with trauma or during illness. Helps you tune in to your soul’s purpose.

Chiastolite is used to cure rheumatism and gout by relieving acidification, blood disorders, veins, blood circulation, balancing blood pressure (high or low) and to stimulate lactation. It also helps with paralysis and nervous problems.

Crystal Tips and Techniques

– Keep a chiastolite in your workplace as it will help bring harmony and help with problem solving and creativity.

– Chiastolite can be used to help with temperamental children and adolescents and also with animals.

– Wear Chiastolite to bring good fortune – rub or caress it when you feel like you need good luck.

– Use Chiastolite when you need to gather strength to face difficult situations.

– Chiastolite can be given as a sign of devotion.

– To speed recovery from fever, take a Chiastolite to bed.

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