Category: Relationship

how to write a song

May 14, 2022

Have you ever wished that your song was the one that played on the radio? Could be. It’s not that hard once you know the formula. With a little creativity, a little knowledge, a little luck, and a good formula to follow, your song could be one of the next big hits. Writing songs is…

Wenda’s costume is a timeless classic

May 13, 2022

Wenda’s costume has it all. Whether you’re looking for a costume for Halloween or some other fancy dress party, searching for the right costume can be frustrating. Here’s an idea that might be perfect for you: Why not check out the “Where’s Wally” costume series? Waldo is a fun and comfortable costume for men, but…

Monitoring your children’s social media: Facebook and WhatsApp monitoring

May 12, 2022

Parents worry about their children all the time on social networks like Facebook. If they become too nosy, they will look awkward in front of their children. If you are also struggling with the same situation, we understand your problem. There is a way to control your children’s activities on Facebook and WhatsApp without hindering…

Delicious Sausage Recipes We Bet You Haven’t Tried

May 11, 2022

Sausages are a lot like hot dogs: they’re comfort food, easy to prepare, and most of all, versatile. While they are good to eat on their own, they taste even better on a plate. These much-loved pieces of meat are eaten primarily for breakfast, but can also be used as an ingredient to create hearty,…

7 keys to be prepared to sell your house!

May 10, 2022

Since for most people the value of their home often represents one of their most valuable assets, doesn’t it make sense to make sure they sell their home when they want to? they can make the best possible deal! After more than 15 years as a licensed real estate seller in New York State, I…

The Ten Commandments of Parenting a Teenager – Revised Edition

May 9, 2022

If you are the parent of a teenager, all advice is welcome. This is what I thought before reading what Busy Mom wrote in The Ten Commandments of Parenting a Teenager. And I ask you, “With parents who think like that, who needs enemies?” The article states that parents must be very careful with what…

Special Education Programs Meeting the Needs of Students in Nassau County

May 7, 2022

Children’s Preparation Center Student Disability: Significant developmental delays, including autism and mental retardation Student Age: 5 to 8 (early elementary) Students attending this state-of-the-art early education center on Long Island need a highly individualized behavioral approach and a small class size (6:1:2). As part of its educational/behavioral approach, the program’s specially trained staff tracks the…

Health begins with water

May 6, 2022

Health begins with water. Since the body is mostly made up of water (about 70%), all body functions depend on water. I guess you could call water a universal solvent. Most nutrients, with the exception of fats, dissolve in water, are transported in the water-based blood system, and are used by water-filled cells. And, because…

4 tips for proper sitting posture

May 5, 2022

You don’t have to learn proper posture when sitting alone to look amazingly sexy, although that could be a plus. If you don’t know how to sit properly, you tend to develop back pain and discomfort. 1. Make sure your feet are on the ground. Usually, if your feet don’t touch the floor, your reaction…

Impress your new in-laws with personalized gifts

May 4, 2022

Get off to a good start with your in-laws In real life, your in-laws can be your best friends if you know how to treat them with white gloves, just like you please your parents. From day one, show them that you are worthy of their offspring. Offer them personalized gifts with a short special…