Category: Relationship

Construction contractor, handyman or broker?

June 4, 2022

All homeowners need help around the house, from small repairs or fixes to renovations. But how can you determine what kind of professional to hire? Here are some tips and differences in home improvement professionals that you should consider. Contractor vs. Handyman: A contractor’s fee to handle small projects can often be prohibitively expensive. A…

Nations of the world – Fun facts about Mozambique!

June 3, 2022

Mozambique – A new democracy in Africa independence Did you know- In the mid-1970s, like Seychelles (Africa), Suriname (South America), Guinea Bissau (Africa), and Papua New Guinea (Oceania), Mozambique became an independent nation on the planet. After more than three centuries under Portuguese rule, Mozambique, a nation rich in resources, gained its independence on June…

Understanding and controlling the prey drive

June 2, 2022

Prey drive is the “buzz word” among dog lovers these days. Its textbook definition states that it is the instinctive behavior of carnivores to chase and capture prey, but it is commonly used to describe habits in dog training. Prey drive is what motivates a dog to chase a ball, animals, a car, or a…

STD tests detect sexually transmitted bacteria, viruses and parasites

June 1, 2022

The STD test is what detects a sexually transmitted bacteria, virus, or parasite. Anyone who is sexually active is at risk for STDs and should be tested regularly. Doctors recommend routine STD testing every year. It is also recommended to get tested every time there is a new partner. It’s smart to get tested if…

Types of scholarships in Canada

May 31, 2022

With the cost of post-secondary education rising, many students are looking for ways to lower their own tuition costs. There are many scholarships in Canada offered to serve students. Scholarships give students the chance to attend some of the best colleges and universities that Canada has to offer. Academic Scholarships Academic scholarships are awarded to…

7 quick and easy steps to make a marzipan pig

May 30, 2022

Marzipan pigs are considered a sign of good luck in many countries. Some European countries make marzipan pigs and give them out as prizes during Christmas celebrations. This tasty dough is slightly dry on the outside and remains creamy on the inside, making it perfect for decorating sweets and cakes. With a whipped cream frosting,…

10 birthday gift ideas that cost nothing

May 29, 2022

In the current economic climate, we are all looking for ways to cut expenses while trying to improve revenue. Well, since most people send 30 gifts a year, and each of those gifts costs an average of $35, that means we’re spending over $1,000 a year just in this area of ​​our budget. Imagine the…

Children and the Constitution, or the day my son tried to impeach the president

May 28, 2022

It all started when I pulled out the presidential cards I made a few years ago to offer a “knowledge challenge” in honor of Presidents Day for my Passport Kids. I love the spontaneous learning that happens during the conversations these challenges inspire. The challenge was to put all the presidents in order, from Washington…

Top 10 Nintendo Wii Video Games for Christmas 2008 – Get the best Christmas gifts here now

May 27, 2022

With Christmas just a couple of winks away, you may want to start thinking about the gifts you want to give your family or friends. If any of them have a Wii console (come to think of it, who doesn’t these days?), then you better check out my list of the 10 best Wii consoles…

You never know: Valentine’s Day 2010 will be different

May 26, 2022

When the special Valentine’s day is coming, are you still trying to persuade your beloved with those ordinary gifts and sweet words? No, we will never do that on this Valentine’s Day. So how do we make it a truly special day? Doing something concrete for your loved one is better than a bouquet of…