Category: Digital Marketing

Selling Your Script: Moving to Hollywood?

May 18, 2021

I understand that for most people, moving to Hollywood is simply not an option (especially in this economy), so in the meantime, the next strategy we can undertake is to build relationships via email, with up-and-coming writers and industry directors. So now we come to a very important question: how do you find these promising…

SEO best practices to increase ROI

May 17, 2021

>> Off-page optimization: Techniques and systems used to manufacture the measurement of visitors to a web page by obtaining a circumstance of high location on the indexed page of a web search tool (SERP), including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other web trackers. The moment a web page connects to another page, it is known as…

How Speakers Can Use Webinars To Increase Their Speaker Rates

May 16, 2021

If you are a professional speaker giving presentations at public conferences or seminars, don’t try to turn those in-person presentations into online webinars. Instead, use webinars to enhance the value of these presentations. One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a speaker is trying to replace your in-person presentations with online versions (webinars)….

How to create a dynamic Excel calendar without using macro

May 14, 2021

We were planning our Excel course programs for 2009 when this Excel calendar template idea crossed my mind. I started wondering: Why not plan my schedule in Excel? If you could also list all the holidays in one section of the worksheet and the calendar could display them in red, wouldn’t that be great? I…

Top Ad Blocking Solutions Publishers Can Use To Bypass Ad Blocking

May 13, 2021

615 million devices. Yes, you heard that right! 615 million global devices now use adblock and that’s 30% more year-over-year, according to Pagefair’s 2017 Adblock report, mobile adblock usage grew by 108 million to reach 380 million active devices, while usage of desktop adblock grew by 34 million to reach 236 million assets. devices. The…

Laser Tattoo Removal FAQ: What is white frosting caused by laser tattoo removal?

May 12, 2021

Even though tattoos are more popular than ever, several people regret that these permanent pieces of art are drawn on their bodies. Fortunately, the latest laser technology can now remove unwanted and unwanted tattoos with relative ease. It is natural to have some concerns about the side effects of laser tattoo removal, one of which…

Organic Search Engine Optimization for Local Business Owners

May 11, 2021

I have been in online marketing for over a decade and have seen first hand the changes that have taken place, especially when it comes to Google and its algorithm updates, and I am sure many of you will be freaking out how to optimize your website or blog. never more. There is a lot…

Top 10 Marketing Books for Small Business Owners

May 10, 2021

Unlike large business owners, small business owners have the burden of taking care of every aspect of their business: recruiting, marketing, finance, accounts, employee management, vendor management, etc. But here we focus only on books that can help you gain marketing knowledge and skills. These are the top 10 books on marketing that we think…

Coffee giants will take advantage of ‘promoted tweets’

May 9, 2021

Twitter has announced its move to offer ‘promoted tweets’ as a form of advertising through the service, the California-based social network is valued at more than a billion but has so far failed to generate revenue. Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has eschewed the lure of traditional advertising in order to generate value rather…

The Computer Security Act of 1987: In Simple Terms

May 8, 2021

Are you concerned about computer security? Are you concerned that personal and confidential information may be leaked to someone with the intent to use that information in a negative way? What is it? The Computer Security Act of 1987 was the first true attempt by the United States government to legislate information in the federal…