Category: Digital Marketing

4 ways to lengthen the content of your infographic

June 17, 2021

4 ways to lengthen the content of your infographic In today’s multidimensional world, there is no one-size-fits-all. When you have a great concept that demands recognition, why not use every possible entity to make sure your message is heard? Traditionally, infographics have been the final means of presenting content, and while it’s a tried and…

Leadership Lessons From Social Network: Teamwork

June 16, 2021

The film, The Social Network, is a powerful portrait of how Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his team started with a dream and a $ 1000 startup, to become the world’s youngest billionaire. At the time of writing, Facebook is valued at at least $ 50 billion, and this would mean it is worth more…

Easy tips for writing titles

June 15, 2021

Sometimes you don’t have hours to write and reflect on the headlines. When that happens, use these templates to speed up the headline writing process. 1: Get [desired result] on [time period] This is a promise that is fulfilled in a certain period of time. Examples: How to get the perfect body in 61 days…

Successful video marketing and trends of 2017

June 14, 2021

As small business owners, we all see the progress that digital marketing has made in the last decade and how effective it is in building successful businesses. But as digital marketing evolves, will it get to a point where it has nothing new to offer the small business owner and then what will we do?…

Importance of fire hoses

June 13, 2021

What more can we say about the importance of fire hoses than what we know from living in cities and towns that depend on the rapid reaction of firefighters to put out a fire in our homes and buildings? We could remember how important the fire hose is by knowing the history of these hoses….

Leading out loud

June 12, 2021

In the third edition of Leading Out Loud, Terry Pearce shows business leaders how to communicate their visions and inspire the commitment of those they lead to bring their visions to life. The book details methods for improving communication skills and finding the most authentic voices that help leaders articulate with confidence and clarity. The…

Limo etiquette tips to follow

June 11, 2021

Who wouldn’t love to have a limo ride? In fact, riding one is the most fun part of an event. Although the idea is to have fun while traveling, there are some rules of etiquette that you must follow. Make sure you treat the driver with respect. Keep reading to know more. Count the guests…

Advantages of an Excel template

June 10, 2021

A free Excel template is created as an exact template spreadsheet application that will be effortlessly used and openly distributed for your use. Industry analysts, executives, and owners need them for a variety of monetary analysis and business decision-making situations. Its availability for free is an excellent help for most entrepreneurs, as the end result…

Generating traffic to your CPA offers through magazine and newspaper marketing

June 9, 2021

CPA marketing or cost per action marketing is a marketing strategy that follows the same format as PPC or pay per click. The difference is that you don’t get paid just by clicking. You only get paid when a viewer of your ad takes a valid action. Most of the time, this requires filling in…

Online Marketing Strategies That Work

June 8, 2021

Online marketing can attract more people to your website, increase your business clientele, and enhance the proper branding of your business and products. If you’re just getting started on your online marketing strategy, the top 10 list below will help you get started with a plan that has worked for many people. Start with a…