Building your own workout routines at home

You want to exercise, but you’d rather do some type of exercise routine at home instead of going to the gym.

You also don’t want to buy all kinds of expensive exercise equipment because, let’s face it, you’ve already done that, used the equipment a dozen times (if that), and now it’s sitting in the corner collecting dust. The good news is that you don’t have to leave your house or buy fancy, expensive exercise equipment to get a great workout. You can create some of your own home workout routines and get great results.

I went to commercial gyms when I first got into fitness and it didn’t take long for me to feel dissatisfied. So I did some research and found that I could do exercise routines at home that were just as effective and would save me a bit of money in the long run.

One of the best home workout routines to lose fat is to use nothing more than your body weight using the biggest and strongest muscles you have.

When you use the larger muscles of your body during your workout, this means that those muscles will need slightly more calories to recover than if you had done a workout where you only focused on the smaller muscles.

I’ll use flexing as an example. During a pushup, the main muscles you’re using are your chest, triceps, shoulders, and forearms, as well as activating your core to stabilize your entire body. Compare that to a biceps curl. A bicep curl is basically isolating the biceps and forearm muscles to lift the weight and using the shoulders and core to stabilize the body.

Aren’t you using a little more muscle in the pushup than you are in the bicep curl?

I mean, doesn’t it make sense that with all the muscle you’re using in the pushup, that would mean your body needs to burn more calories post-workout to repair those pushup muscles than it would to repair the least amount? of muscle you used in the biceps curl?

So that’s where we’re going to start.

Categories in your home workout routines

There are 5 basic types of movements that we are going to include in these home exercise routines (and here are some examples as well):

1. Squat – like a bodyweight squat

2. Single leg: an example would be a lunge

3. Pushing movement, ie. a flex

4. Jump – like a jumping cat

5. Core: a plank fastener

However, don’t panic and think you have to do a full toe curl from the start when developing your home workout routines.

If you’re just getting started with the exercise, you might first do a push-up on a wall. Once that gets easier then you could do it on your knees. Once that gets easier, you can challenge yourself again to do it on your toes.

Building your workout routines at home

Now let’s put all this together.

You want to choose one exercise from each of the above categories, and you are going to do each of those exercises for 30 seconds each, with no rest between exercises.

So for a beginner it would be like this:

1. Lying hip extension – 30 seconds

2. Push-up against the wall – 30 seconds

3. Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds

4. Lateral leg raise – 15 seconds on each leg

5. Plank on your knees – 30 seconds

I would do all five exercises with no rest in between each exercise, and then when I was done with the knee plank, I would rest for 30-60 seconds and then complete that circuit again. He then he rest another 30-60 seconds and do it one more time.

You can also modify these exercises in your home workout routines to make them more difficult if you are at a more intermediate or advanced level.

  • You could do a bodyweight squat or a bodyweight squat on your toes for the squat,
  • A bend of the knees or toes for the push-up
  • A burpee or tuck jump instead of jumping jacks
  • A full back, forward, or walking lunge instead of the side leg raise
  • A full plank or a plank on a stability ball instead of the knee board.

Home workout routines made for you

But maybe you don’t want to sit there and create your own exercise routines at home.

I have a new line of products you can choose from that will do just that for you.

The best part is that you can choose between a beginner, intermediate or advanced program. So there’s something for everyone, no matter if you’re just starting out or have been working out for a while and need something new to switch up too.

Each of the home workout routines last 90 days, tell you exactly what exercises to do, how to do the exercises (with written, picture AND video demos), and only take about 30 minutes to complete, 3 days a week. week. The only exercise equipment you need is a stability ball.

Plus, you’ll also get a 7 minute abs and fat loss nutrition guide.

Summary on how to create your own exercise routines at home

Just follow the simple steps above to select exercises from those 5 different categories (squats, single leg, push, jump, and core) and you’ll be able to create home workout routines to get you started.

Or save yourself some time with a 30-minute workout that has you covered to drop 10, 15, or even 20 pounds in just 90 days, AND you don’t even have to leave your house or buy expensive exercise equipment. to do it.

Home workouts are, quite frankly, the easiest way to get the body you want.

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