6 freelance tips to earn more money than other freelancers

Tips for freelancers to achieve success as a freelancer

There are many benefits of being a freelancer. You can be your own boss and you can work whenever you want. According to some statistics, more than 50 million people in the US earn their bread and butter through self-employment. That is why it is safe to say that if you have the skills, you can sell them over the internet anywhere in the world using the best freelancing websites.

However, you cannot expect success as a freelancer overnight. There are still some freelancers who are not earning money up to their potential. They are more talented than most people who earn more than them, yet they still barely get any clients, even from the best freelance websites. For those people, I am here to help.

In the next lines of this article I am going to tell you about those six freelance tips through which you can earn more money than other freelancers and you can earn up to your potential.

1. Always require some down payment:

One of the vital tips for freelancers. One of the main reasons why many freelancers, despite the willingness and ideal skills for the job, fail to earn anything substantial is that the client does not pay them or payments are delayed. To save yourself from this next time, always demand some percentage of the initial payment and full payment after showing the mock-up of the work to the client. Through this method, you can ensure that you get paid on time. To do this, you can also build any agreements or contracts that you can ask your client to fill out and sign before starting their work. In this contract, you can write the percentage of the total payment that you would take as a down payment before starting any work.

2. Build your reputation by saying No:

Most of the freelancer websites are all about freelancer reviews. The client logs into any website and hires only that person who has a certain good reputation. Reviews and testimonials from previous customers are very important. No one would rather work with you if you have the most bad reviews. That is why you have to focus on that part of the freelance to get more clients and work.

The most important way to build your reputation is by saying ‘No’. Being a freelancer, you must learn to say ‘No’. Even if you are a professional in any industry, say graphic design, there are some things you cannot design. To those jobs, you have to say no to build your reputation. Through this, you will only have the opportunity to work on your strong point and earn positive reviews.

3. Focus only on your freelance business:

This is crucial to any freelance success. I know many people who freelance for additional income. They don’t focus much on freelancing and then complain about being underpaid through this medium. Always remember that being self-employed is a convenient business, but it requires the same amount of concentration and focus on the part of the individual.

If you don’t focus on that, you will never be able to become a successful freelancer and you will always have a hard time finding clients and some money from freelancing. Freelancing is like building a company. The only difference is that in freelancing you are the company and you are the brand. You have to build your brand personality and if the client finds that something is missing in your brand personality and that you are not fully committed to your services or not focused, then he is never going to work for you.

4. Be open:

Those days are gone when people used to sweeten their customers using kind words. But now, after dealing with different people, clients have also educated themselves and know when the person they are going to hire is transparent to them or just beating around the bush.

That is why it is better to be open to the client now. Don’t set those expectations for him, which you can’t meet. If you can’t provide the task at the time your client needs, then don’t say yes because even if he completes the job but missed the deadline, you won’t get a positive review from him. which will directly affect his reputation and earnings.

5. Keep working:

There are no shortcuts to freelancing success. One of the biggest mistakes most freelancers make is creating meaningless standards. They create a bar of the client’s standard and if any client doesn’t fit that standard, then they don’t work for them. This is something to avoid even if you become a successful freelancer. You have to keep working despite the nature and level of the work. If you are a designer, you should design even for those clients who cannot give you more than $10. However, you should also vary the quality of your work according to the price you are receiving.

6. Work for the satisfaction:

We all know that money matters and it is also the biggest motivation for people like you and me who work as freelancers. In your early days, when you haven’t worked much, you need to be smart and build some of your reputation first instead of hunting for the cash. If you’re looking for the cash, you can start getting it too, but not for long. But if you choose your reputation over money, you’ll keep getting work from clients until you want it.

The only way to build your report in the first few days is to work to satisfy the customer. It doesn’t matter how much the client pays you. Try to keep the deal to a minimum and then work up a sweat to get their approval. So get a client, try to charge him or her the rates he or she is happy with, too, and then do everything you can to make them happy in one go by providing impeccable work.


The tips for freelancers quoted above will prove to be extremely useful if a freelancer consistently follows them in each of their jobs specially assigned by the freelance websites. Remember that freelance success does not come in a day, it requires patience and discipline.

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