3 Simple Spam Prevention Tips

Email spammers are persistent. They are based on the words of Napoleon Hill: “Patience, persistence and perspiration form an unbeatable combination for success.” With spammers, the first two ingredients are certainly present; They have persistence and patience. This makes it very difficult to get rid of spammers. They believe that if they make a single sale out of 50,000 mail pieces sent, they are successful. Therefore, those who wish to get rid of spam will need to diligently practice certain principles. There are 3 great tips that everyone should use to avoid most spam.

Do not register without taking precautions

The Internet offers many interesting offers. There is everything from free software to free advice. Every time someone signs up, they will end up on someone else’s mailing list. Legitimate Internet merchants will send you a confirmation email and ask you to confirm that you have indeed signed up. Through this method, called Double Opt In, they give you the opportunity to rule out that your husband or teenage son did not sign you up. Under this method, you can opt out at any time you want and you will stop receiving the emails. The problem is that there is also an irresponsible way of executing email marketing. The marketer who uses these dishonest tactics will never give you the option to get off the mailing list and end the flood of spam. Some of those who practice this even put an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the message, but don’t follow it and remove it from the list. Everyone who signs up for free offers on the Internet must do so with a free “throwaway” email account. It’s a given that you’ll get spam, so why use your good old email from your internet service provider? When you use a free account from, say, Yahoo, and it gets spammed, you can just throw it away. If you sign up, you will receive spam. This is unavoidable. If you want to sign up and not worry about spam, take a few precautions and use a disposable email account.

Do not post your email address in public places

Social networks have become a huge industry and a huge topic of interest for many people. It is fun to participate in forums and Facebook and receive the desired interaction. For those who are serious about staying spam-free, here is a simple tip that you must follow with unwavering persistence. Don’t post your email address unless it’s a free account that you’ll get rid of one day. People using spam practices will find your address in no time. And in case you didn’t know, there are computers that relentlessly scan the internet and harvest email addresses from forums, Facebook and anywhere else people post them. You don’t need to understand the technology that makes it possible; it is a fact. This is transferred to the ownership of the website. If you are building a website, insist on having a good contact form installed with captcha security. Those who include their email on their website will have space. There are a good number of free contact form scripts available that will give your visitors the ability to contact you. You do not need to post your address on your website.

Don’t open spam

Once you receive spam in your mailbox, you can limit it by deleting it without opening it. Spammers have certain tricks that they use to check whether or not you have opened their mail. Once they discover that it has opened, they will launch with all enthusiasm. After a spammer has verified that your email address is valid, they can add it to a large list and sell it to other spammers who want to spam you. You may see a lot of mail, which you don’t recognize and this may pique your curiosity. If you want to get rid of spam, don’t open it. Microsoft Outlook offers a preview pane. If you need to know what’s inside a spam, you can take a look at it through the preview pane. The best advice is to collect all the spam in your mailbox and delete it.

It is almost impossible to ensure that you will never receive spam. By persistently following these 3 tips, you will be able to limit spam to a manageable level.

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