3 Easy Steps To Lose At Least 5 To 10 Pounds Fast!

If you can follow these three easy steps to lose 5 to 10 pounds, you are well on your way to your weight loss goals and a healthy body. All you need to do is make a few small adjustments to your diet plan.

1.Just drink water.

Studies show that by giving up sugary drinks like diet soda, you can lose up to 10 pounds. All artificial sweeteners like “Equal” (Aspartame), Splenda, and Sweet and Low can cause weight gain because they are toxins to your body and are worse than sugar. I may occasionally have unsweetened tea or coffee.

2. Stop using the 4 white kills.

As part of the three easy steps to losing 5-10 pounds, stop using white flour, refined salt, white sugar, and dairy.

You will see a big drop in weight by removing these four items and you will feel more energetic throughout the day. We all know the effects of sugar, salt, and white flour, but not dairy. Dairy causes digestive problems, weight gain, inflammation in the body, and clogged arteries. Dairy is the main reason why people cannot lose weight. You can get calcium from green leafy vegetables, fish, and assorted beans. So avoid dairy at all costs.

3. Eat healthy food!

When you go shopping, go to the produce department and start with fruits, vegetables and nuts because they will give your body energy. It is as easy to find healthy products to eat as something harmful. Remember, all natural foods do not have labels.

You should eat at least 3 meals a day starting with breakfast, the most important meal of the day, and a small snack in between. This is also part of the steps you need to lose 5-10 pounds. Remember, your body needs energy. If you do nothing for your weight or your health, your body will start to shut down.

Stay away from junk food and anything that has more than 2-3 items listed on the package because anything more than that just puts toxins into your system.

You must remember that if you or any member of your family becomes ill due to poor nutrition, it will be a great hardship for you and your family. The time to deal with the problem is now before it affects your life and the time you have with your family. You can replace your house and all your positions, but you only have one body, so take care of it.

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