20 Tips and Tricks for Teaching Mathematics at the Elementary Level

Primary mathematics education is a key determinant and I must say the very foundation of the computational and analytical skills that a student requires for a solid secondary education. It is the very foundation on which secondary education is built. This is why it is mandatory that the teaching techniques and methods that we use as teachers and educators are of such rich quality that a child’s development with respect to her mathematical abilities is healthy, practical and balanced.

Being a math teacher is not easy. He is usually the favorite of a few and the nemesis of many. It has been observed that children mostly try to escape from doing Mathematics work. While there is a section of students who absolutely love math enough to pursue a career in it, many students live in fear. Today we will give our teachers some useful tips and tricks to make teaching math a fun and interesting experience not only for children.

20 Tips and Tricks for Teaching Mathematics at the Primary Level

  1. The environment plays a very important role. It is your responsibility to ensure that the classroom is properly ventilated with ambient light.
  2. Make sure Math class isn’t before lunchtime (when kids focus more on the Tiffin than studying) or the last period where students wait the longest for the bell to ring (not to mention! start to feel sleepy!) Keep Math class when kids are active and fresh
  3. Cultivate students’ interest in Mathematics by making them aware of the power, structure and scope of the matter.
  4. Keep students’ attention from the beginning! Introduce the topics with some fun facts, figures, or interesting trivia.
  5. Mark up the lesson plan effectively with time and content allocation in mind
  6. Use audio and visual aids whenever possible
  7. Draw on the board if necessary (especially lessons like geometry, shapes, and symmetry)
  8. Call the students to work on the board (participation of all children is necessary and not just a few!)
  9. Ask for a student’s opinions and thoughts on mathematical concepts and ideas.
  10. Give them time to discuss important concepts and study the chapter text as well before tackling the actual problems.
  11. Teaching more than one way or approach to solving a problem.
  12. Provide regular homework exercises making sure the questions are a mix of easy, medium and hard questions. Children should not feel hopeless. Easy questions about problems arouse interest.
  13. reward them! As long as students perform well, be generous and offer them an incentive to keep working harder.
  14. That children enjoy Mathematics and not be afraid of it.
  15. Instill in them the practice of doing mental calculations.
  16. Also, never give him too much homework. Kids are already loaded with homework in almost every school subject, so it’s your duty to make sure the task you delegate to them is fair or small. (This trick will instill in them the motivation to complete the math homework first)
  17. Present challenging questions to students to develop their analytical and deduction skills.
  18. Keep taking regular tests to consolidate knowledge.
  19. Teach at a steady pace. Don’t rush anything. Before proceeding, make sure students are clear on the above topics.
  20. Play games to create a fun-filled classroom teaching and learning experience.

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