14 self-support ways to calm yourself

Some days life can seem like “it’s too much.” The daily news, difficult relationships, work stress, health problems, and parenting can seem like they place more demands on our system than we can handle. It can seem like feeling good (emotionally OR physically) is next to impossible! It is at times like these that many of us are tempted to turn to self-destructive behaviors (such as drinking too much alcohol, overeating, or fighting with loved ones) as ways of coping with everything life throws at us. While these actions may make you feel better for a short time, you will likely end up regretting these choices in the end. The good news is that there are plenty of other ways to calm down that will help you start feeling better right away and continue to support your long-term mental, emotional, and physical health.

If you’re like me, part of the problem is that once you get nervous, the more creative part of your brain seems to shut down and it’s hard to think of anything useful to do to help yourself. That’s why I keep a handy list of ideas to pull from when I need a boost! Here (in no particular order) are some of my favorite relaxing self-support activities:

Music: Music is a powerful mood booster. It’s so easy to put on a bit and it’s almost an instant soother. Make a playlist of your favorite musical lollipops on your Ipod or computer for “touch of a button” relief!

Hobbies: When you’re feeling down, it’s probably not the time to pursue a new hobby; I have found much comfort in being involved in a family one. Knitting, playing a musical instrument, baking bread, painting, or building models are examples of hobbies that can be extremely soothing to the spirit. As an added bonus, you get the satisfaction of creating something!

Nature: Connecting with the natural world seems to have magical restorative powers for most people. Watch the birds at the feeder or water fountain, dig in the garden, or take a walk in the woods.

Find something to laugh about: We’ve all heard the saying “laughter is the best medicine”, and for good reason! I have a stash of favorite movies to pull out when I need a healthy dose of silliness (50 First Dates, When Harry Met Sally, Just Like Heaven, School of Rock, and the Steve Martin/Lily Tomlin classic All of Me). Comedy books and stand-up comedy DVDs from comedians that tickle your funny bone are other great options for “laughter therapy.”

Water: A nice long hot bath or shower is at the top of my list when I need a pick-me-up!

hot drinks: Curling up with a warm cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate is something that can take a few minutes even in the middle of one of those “crazy” days. If you tend to go overboard on caffeine, an herbal tea might be the best option for you.

Relaxing scents: Light some scented candles or use essential oils in a diffuser (try lavender, lemon, ylang ylang, or rose).

Move your body: When you feel sad or overwhelmed, you are less likely to feel like moving your body; Ironically, this is probably the time when it would benefit you the most! Try a short walk or a few minutes on the yoga mat. You may find that once you start moving you find yourself enjoying it and end up doing more than you planned on.

Inspirational videos or CDs: I have a stack of Abraham-Hicks CDs that I keep to play when I feel like I’m starting to “lose my mind.” If I’m working on the computer, I can jump over to YouTube and watch one of your videos for a quick pick-me-up. This works great for me, but for my husband it would be a form of self-torture. If Abe isn’t your thing, he finds something else to inspire you and remember to bring it out when you need it.

Reading: Losing yourself in a good book is a calming strategy I’ve used since childhood. Fortunately, there are so many books coming out these days that there will always be something new and exciting to read, no matter what your favorite genre is.

Take a nap: Sometimes a little extra rest is all you really need to feel well balanced again. If you know you’ve overexerted yourself, lie down in bed for a mid-afternoon nap. If you can’t do this during the work week, enjoy the weekend. I guarantee that life will look rosy when you wake up!

snuggle up with someone: Go find a child or a pet to snuggle with.

to be a child: Remember all those fun games you used to play when you were a kid? They are still fun now. If you’re lonely, try pattern puzzle games like Rush Hour or a solitaire game (play with real cards, not the computer). Backgammon, Sorry and Clue.

Do a few rounds of EFT: EFT and other forms of meridian tapping are a great way to help yourself feel calmer and more relaxed. If you’re not already familiar with this technique, you can learn the basics in just a few minutes. EzineArticles.com features an entire section on how to use this versatile tool! You will also find many videos on YouTube demonstrating this technique.

For a maximum dose of self-soothing, go all out and combine a few of these into an ultimate self-soothing experience. Take a hot bath with essential oils while listening to music and reading a fun book, hike a nature trail while listening to inspirational talk on your Ipod, or curl up on the couch with a kid and dog while watching a fun show. movie and drinking hot chocolate.

I hope this list inspires you to find new and creative ways to find your “feel good” again!

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