Category: Pets

Cat behavior problems

August 20, 2021

Is cat discipline possible? People often ask me if it is really possible to train cats. Cats are intelligent animals and they will learn new behaviors much faster than you think. Many people find it hard to believe that cat discipline is possible, but despite its independent nature, it is possible to teach a cat…

Bark Off Reviews – Don’t Buy It Until You Read This

August 19, 2021

I get a ton of emails from Bark Off, all hinting at the same thing. Does Bark Off work? So far, it has been difficult to get heads or tails out of this debate because most of the criticisms we have seen were testimonials about the Bark Off commercial. The product is so new that…

How to care for Betta fish

August 18, 2021

Betta fish or Siamese fighting fish are very popular pets. Not only are they the beautiful ones with their long tails, but they also have great personalities. Bettas are often referred to as “scaly cats and dogs” under water. Although they have a great personality, they tend to be aggressive towards other bettas (male and…

Maltese Dog Training for Owners

August 17, 2021

Have you been waiting for the purchase of a small dog? Then the Maltese is the dog you were looking for. Also, cited as the “Ancient Maltese Dog”, the Maltese derive their name from the city where they were first found. These dogs have possessed the reputation of the most privileged dogs for being almost…

How to deal with the Border Collie’s whining

August 16, 2021

Border collies don’t make many different sounds, but they all mean something. If your dog is whining then he must need something, whining to get attention or because he misses you or some other pet that maybe died or ran away from home. Dog owners consider whining to be a major problem. This is mainly…

Origins and evolution of dog breeds

August 15, 2021

More than sixty million years ago, a small weasel-like mammal, called Miacis he wandered through primeval forests. Miacis it had sharp teeth and a smaller brain, but it was more intelligent than the other primitive carnivores that shared the forest with it. Then Miacis survived and after some 25 million more years of evolution gave…

Animal rescue

August 14, 2021

While there has always been a need for people to care and love to respond to the needs of helpless and abandoned animals, of late economic downturns have exacerbated the problem to critical levels. Every day we see harrowing images of cats and dogs collected by county pounds. We hear heartfelt stories from people who…

Cat psychology: is my cat scared?

August 13, 2021

Fear in cats and anger have some elements in common and both come from the same set of instincts, the ones that tell them to fight, run away or freeze. Most animals use these instincts to judge a situation and their reaction to it. But what other signs are there that a cat is scared,…

Cat Facts from the Wild Cat World

August 11, 2021

There are dozens of species of wild cats in the world, ranging from the famous big cats to small species no bigger than a house cat. Here we take a look at some facts and figures from the wonderful world of wild cats. Faster: The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is the fastest land mammal with a…

German Shepherd Care Tips

August 10, 2021

Often times the German Shepherd is a very healthy breed that is capable of living an average of 12 to 16 years. For those with a well-behaved German Shepherd, they are unlikely to have major health problems. However, all German Shepherds are susceptible to certain health conditions. This includes canine hip dysphasia or CHD in…