Category: Digital Marketing

Four Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Business and Find Your Ideal Clients

January 11, 2023

Every entrepreneur knows the importance of marketing. They know that having a solid marketing strategy is the key to gaining new customers for your business. Customers are key components to the success of any business. Without customers, who provide the much-needed finances that help your business thrive, your business is doomed to fail. So, the…

4 Tips for the Best Content Marketing Strategy

January 10, 2023

There are a variety of methods to improve your page rank and one of the most vital elements is content. In fact, Google pays great attention to content when deciding the ranking of a website. Authenticity, relevance, and accuracy matter a lot. That is why many websites have started to adopt the well-designed writing policy…

Six Essential Tips For WordPress Beginners: Take Matters Into Your Own Hands

January 9, 2023

WordPress is the most useful CMS platform on the internet that provides a professional look to your otherwise drab website. But getting started with WordPress can be a very daunting task. Sometimes you make some mistakes, especially if WordPress is new to you. To experience effective results, you need to know WordPress features in detail….

How to improve the ranking of your website in Google

January 8, 2023

There are millions of websites online. You may feel that the competition is too great and you will never get your website to appear on the first page of Google or any of the other search engine listings. But it’s not impossible. When you use the right tactics, you can improve your website’s ranking on…

What is social media marketing and how can it serve your organization’s goal?

January 7, 2023

Your brand is in a very vulnerable state if you’re not harnessing the power of social media marketing and don’t understand how to fit this into your budget. Your competitors are already there, using the ubiquitous SMO to get the most out of all the market share. Your employees are also there trying to figure…

Google Analytics mistakes you shouldn’t do

January 6, 2023

Mistake #1: Using an outdated tracking code When you create a new site design and don’t update your tracking code (especially if you’ve switched from Google Analytics to Google Tag Manager), you risk it being out of date. Always make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of your tracking code as a precaution…

Network Marketing Training: Why Your Downline Isn’t Working Out

January 5, 2023

So, you’ve personally sponsored 9 people… You’ve been showing presentations and actively building YOUR business, but all the people you’ve sponsored aren’t doing anything! I mean, the value of them, right? So why aren’t these people taking action and what can YOU do about it!? Well the first thing to realize in this industry is…

Speak in your ideal pitch range

January 4, 2023

When people judge your voice, they usually comment on the quality of your tone. The concept of how pitch is defined can be easily misunderstood. On a technical and scientific level, vocal pitch is described as the way the vocal cords vibrate together to create sound. To a non-technical person, pitch is often perceived as…

Translation vs. adaptation

January 3, 2023

These are not at all the same and in fact serve very different purposes. While it is true that in certain situations, the so-called “direct” translation is not appropriate (as in advertising, for example), it is not true that all good translations are, in fact, adaptations. Actually, a good translation is NOT an adaptation. A…

what is a "linguist?"

January 2, 2023

The word “linguist” was coined by my husband when he said it with a laugh, commenting on my little lingerie obsession. As a surprising result to him, I welcomed the word and now uses it frequently. For all of us, lingerie is to Lingerista what fashion is to Fashionista. If we make that assumption, then,…