Category: Arts Entertainments

The delayed robbery in the minor leagues

September 15, 2021

The delayed robbery is one of the best strategic and fun plays in youth baseball. Players on your team will love this when it works properly. It’s an aggressive way to advance to extra base. It is a strategy that must be practiced, but unfortunately many coaches ignore it. And while it’s not a complete…

Factors behind motivation to exercise and diet

September 14, 2021

Hey you !!! Get down and give me 20! 1 … 2 …. 3 … 4 …. COME BOY !!!!! Mom won’t help you do this !! I can smell the fat, fat BOY sizzling !!! Damn it … I AM EXCITED !! Oddly enough, some people like this type of treatment when it comes…

Who was the first scientist?

September 13, 2021

We live in a scientific age. Millions of young people study science, thousands of universities teach it and hundreds of publications relate it. We even have a cable channel dedicated exclusively to his wonders. We are steeped in technology rooted in your discoveries. But what is science and who was its first practitioner? Science is…

The Off-Color Dictionary of Turkish Slang – Frikik (Free Kick)

September 12, 2021

Our Off-Color Dictionary began when our Turkish nephew, Yanki, suggested (in 1996) that we prepare a page of the most commonly heard Turkish curse words. If we left them out, he warned, our coverage of ‘Practical Turkish’ would be incomplete. How could Turkish students manage, he insisted, without a basic knowledge of everyday Turkish slang…

The surefire way to get six pack abs

September 11, 2021

If you have strong abs, your whole body will look more Attractive. Of every person who exercises in your gym, how many have strong abs? Yes your gym is like mine, probably less than 1 in 100 people have great abs. I I’d say there are more people who can bench press 315 pounds, then…

Travis McGee Versus Doc Ford – Fictional Fight to the Death

September 10, 2021

Am I the only one to notice that Randy Wayne White’s recurring character, Dr. Marion Ford, bears a slight resemblance to the classic Florida homeless character, Travis McGee, created by John D. MacDonald and depicted throughout 21 novels? ? Or maybe it’s such an obvious observation that no one else believed it was worth the…

Southampton famous people

September 9, 2021

There have been a number of famous and accomplished people who were born in Southampton or who have lived there at some point in their lives. Many of Southampton’s illustrious sons come from the world of music. There’s Will Champion, the drummer for Coldplay, who was born in Southampton in 1978. Champion’s father, Timothy, is…

Slavic folklore: Lesnik – Leshy

September 8, 2021

Lesnik (Leshy) is a Slavic forest spirit similar to Greek satyrs. He is loud, friendly to shepherds, and is depicted as a humanoid with horns and helmets or as an old man. The Slavic peoples of the pre-Christian era were deeply connected with nature. The belief that nature is inhabited by spirits and demons was…

4 keys to a killer real estate video

September 7, 2021

Video is fast becoming an essential element in real estate marketing. Pricing and technology have made video more accessible than ever, and savvy brokers, property managers, and home sellers are starting to take advantage of it. According to the National Association of Realtors, nearly 90% of surveyed homeowners said they would prefer to hire a…

Why Yellow Tang is a Good Beginner Fish in Saltwater Aquariums

September 6, 2021

The yellow tang is one of the most common fish kept in home saltwater aquariums. There are many other good reasons why the Yellow Tang is so popular. Why should you consider it a good beginner fish when starting an aquarium? Yellow spikes eat algae New aquariums will often encounter green algae blooms and cycles….