Author: admin

Why do we have laws if we don’t enforce them?

September 18, 2021

There should be a law. This signature line, from a popular comic strip, unfortunately, only tells part of the story! While there are certainly still many violations, which we should seriously address, simply enacting another law, it is a somewhat pointless step, because unless / until we enforce any rule, it becomes quite useless and…

My best friend stole my boyfriend, what should I do?

September 18, 2021

If there were two people on earth who wouldn’t want to see you hurt, they would be your sweet best friend and your loving boyfriend. At least that’s what you used to believe. But now your world is turned upside down when the same two people are the ones causing you so much pain. The…

Did I make a mistake buying this 8 month old dog?

September 18, 2021

Have you ever heard that question or something similar from a friend, neighbor, or family member? I hear it all the time and usually there are some issues that have developed right away and the new dog owner calls me to ask the question. It is usually a dog that comes from a breeder. The…

Shower tray tile construction

September 18, 2021

Tile construction for shower trays is a mystery unless you’ve seen it done. You can’t see how a shower tray goes together because all the construction details are covered! This article describes the basics of how to do shower tile construction. First of all, do you have a leaky shower and that is why you…

How to move to a mountain and snowboard every day

September 18, 2021

So you’ve decided that you really like snowboarding. He has been traveling his local resort / hill whenever he has had a chance and wants to take it to the next level. You may just finished school or are between jobs, in any case, you have the winter off and you want to snowboard every…

Who wins in the Formula 1 Vs. Champ Cars Drag Race?

September 18, 2021

Every now and then I am asked what the differences are between a Formula 1 chassis and a Champ Car. However, how many people really know what a Champ Car is? (As I am frequently asked to explain what they are) Unfortunately, most of today’s non-racing public only know what “RASSCAR” (Nextel Cup) is ……

Seoul Hot Spots Guide

September 18, 2021

This article is intended to provide an overview of Seoul for those of you who are not really familiar with Seoul. Also, if you are looking for information to do your homework, such as the population and size of Seoul, you won’t find any in this. Instead, what you can expect is a brief overview…

Essential hairdressing tools and equipment

September 17, 2021

Hairdressing, by definition, is hair styling that employs various techniques such as hair cutting, hair coloring, styling, and various hair treatment options. This is usually done by people who are qualified and professionally trained in the art of styling and cutting hair. Normally one would visit a hair salon or salon to do this, however…

Why video games are for everyone

September 17, 2021

“If educational video games are well executed, they can provide a strong framework for research and project-based learning,” says Alan Gershenfeld, co-founder and president of E-Line Media, a computer and video game publisher and founding industry. Member of the Center for Games and Impact at Arizona State University. “Games are also particularly well suited to…

Sex-Based Crimes Defense Lawyer

September 17, 2021

Crimes Defense Lawyer A Dallas sex-based crimes defense attorney can be an essential part of ensuring that the person you are charged with is not given the harshest penalty. The mere fact that you were having sex when the crime was committed is taken as evidence that you were committing a crime, even if no…