Category: Technology

7 tips to help you enjoy a safe online shopping experience

August 1, 2022

Buying online offers a great shopping experience. You can enjoy lower prices and the package is delivered to your door within a couple of days, if not hours. Here are some tips that can help you enjoy a safer online shopping experience. 1. Use a secure connection First of all, make sure your computer is…

The value of online business directories

July 31, 2022

An online directory collects vital contact details for a variety of businesses and displays them in industry-specific listings. This allows anyone looking for a service like a plumber in Sydney to access this directory and choose from any number of plumbers in their chosen search area. Alternatively, they are also a good resource for accessing…

Tips for buying mink lashes online

July 30, 2022

If you are a woman, you may have a strong desire to have long and beautiful eyelashes. However, the sad part is that not everyone has long eyelashes. Thick lashes can change your look. Therefore, women opt for mink lashes. You can find them in various salons. If you don’t have them in nearby stores,…

80, 93, 95, Up, Down and Horizontal – A Guide to Choosing Your New Replacement Furnace

July 29, 2022

When homeowners plan to purchase a furnace replacement, there are a few simple questions you need to be prepared to answer in order to get the right furnace for your application. 1. What efficiency do I want or need? (80%, 93% or 95%) 2. How will I vent the unit (vent pipe or PVC)? 3….

What does it mean when you say: I’m not ready for a relationship?

July 28, 2022

So… he says he’s not ready for the big C – Commitment? What does this mean? It means he doesn’t want to have a relationship with you. Yes, it’s a tough pill to swallow, but trust me, unlike women, men are in no rush to find Miss Perfect. Dating men is about learning and experimenting….

Property Sales App Development: A Complete Guide to Growing Your Real Estate Business

July 27, 2022

No one can deny the need for mobile apps in our lives. While no business sector has been spared from the mobile app development fury, it is on-demand services, food and retail, and core industries such as real estate that have gotten a bigger share of the pie. Yes, it’s also the retail real estate…

How to create the perfect wedding look

July 26, 2022

Aside from the perfect groom and the company of friends and loved ones, most brides will say that one of their main concerns for their big day is looking their best. If you want to be a standout bride and end up with wedding photos you’ll love, there are a few things you need to…

PR Strategy Trends for 2017

July 25, 2022

The public relations industry continues to evolve. As visual storytelling, digital media, and social media continue to play a larger role, many marketers are looking to pack more tools into their PR war chest. Here are some of the hottest trends that could give your business a boost and an edge over your competition. 1….

How do you spell perfection drilling? “tricone bits”

July 24, 2022

Like many industries, the drilling world thrives on acronyms. Some are common, like BPD for barrels per day; others are more obscure, like AS for Array Sonic Processing Log, and some, like TGIF, need no further explanation. So it seems fitting that when you’re looking for a way to quickly remind yourself of the many…

my dad is a janitor

July 23, 2022

In addition to being a salesperson for one of the nation’s leading facility maintenance and cleaning companies, I’m a father. Like most parents, I tend to measure the passage of time by watching my children grow and experience life. Along the way, landmark moments stand out and draw your attention to her son’s growth and…