Category: Relationship

Beautiful Older Women Galleries – Art Is What I Am – Do I Fit In?

April 12, 2021

Beautiful Older Women Galleries Do I fit in? I line my paintings in a hallway see them there anywhere Does magic come your way? Have I met the master of my own heart? My gothic angel art my wayward crystal angels a pegasus that I rode here. I see beginnings the door that leads me…

Mother Helper Passwords

April 10, 2021

Keywords are powerful and moving words that are used to connect directly with the subconscious mind, giving you the direction to attract the essence of the keyword to you. The more a keyword is repeated, the more it affects your energy. The more it affects your energy, the more you attract the experience, condition, or…

Top 3 Ways to Earn Passive Income

April 9, 2021

To be a financially successful person you have to work very hard and there is no way around it. You must put in at least 40 to 50 hours a week to earn an active income. But what if I told you that you can also win while you sleep? Too good to be true,…

Developmental delays in children with cerebral palsy: 3 to 4 years

April 8, 2021

Developmental disabilities such as ADHD, autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and cerebral palsy affect approximately 13 percent of children in the U.S. Many of these children are not diagnosed until they reach school age, where the Comparison with a large group of peers reveals deficiencies. Children with cerebral palsy are often diagnosed around 18 months because they…

Homemade toys

April 7, 2021

How often have you seen this happen during the holidays? Parents have spent a small fortune on the latest and greatest toy. After a few smiles and giggles, the parents remove the toy from its huge box and proceed to assemble it. Meanwhile, the boy finds the box quite fascinating. When the toy is fully…

How to stop losing patience with your kids and have better anger management as a parent

April 6, 2021

As a parent, you may find yourself dealing with everyday situations where you may feel frustrated with your child. While these challenges may be more common with your teenager, they can also occur with your own adult child who may or may not have children of his own. How can you ensure that such situations…

Three caveats for anyone considering training with the iron palm

April 5, 2021

Iron palm training is one of the great skills of Chinese kung fu. It involves conditioning the hand so that one can hit hard without pain or damage. Someone who is an expert in the iron palm can hit something hard with the palm (for example, a pile of concrete blocks or the head of…

5 tips for easy puppy house training

April 4, 2021

The sooner you potty train your puppy, the better. You want to establish good habits from the beginning. And a dog that has never used the bathroom in the house will never consider the house as a place * to * go to the bathroom. I’ve always found the puppies we buy from real working…

Gift exchange ideas for teens

April 3, 2021

What does the teenager who has it all get? What about the teenager you don’t know very well? Gift exchanges are becoming more popular than ever at teen Christmas parties. Often times, these gifts have to be within a certain price range (usually quite cheap), but you also want them to be something that others…

Why We Wear New Clothes at Easter: A History of Tradition from a Fashion School Perspective

April 2, 2021

Many of us remember our parents dressing in new clothes every Easter so we could parade around the neighborhood in our best clothes. It was a fun tradition to look forward to (or avoid, as some fashion-phobic kids were known to do), whether we went to church or not. But where did this tradition come…