Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Using Herbs Can Help You Lose Weight During Menopause

July 16, 2022

Herbs for weight loss are a common topic of discussion among women going through menopause. Weight gain is a real problem for many menopausal women. Changes in hormone levels can decrease energy, increase appetite, and contribute to water retention, all of which can lead to excess weight, especially in the midsection. There are many different…

Organic Cosmetics

July 15, 2022

Every day our skin fights against pollution, stress, chemicals, food impurities and many more. This causes the skin to become dull, pale, rough, and unclear. The only solution for skin care is the use of organic cosmetics. These are beauty products made from pure organic materials that are friendly to nature and people, offering perfectly…

colonix side effects

July 14, 2022

Colonix is ​​a commercially available herbal colon cleansing product. It is a Dr Natura product and has been listed as the best colon cleansing product by several surveys. It is a fiber-based supplement with a blend of 40 different natural herbs, each of which plays a different role in the colon cleansing program. Colonix works…

The Voice of Nature Speaks to Your Spirit

July 13, 2022

Do you have a strong connection with your Spirit? Is your spiritual nature guiding your life, or is it something you relate to as a place to visit? Your own deeper knowledge is there waiting for you to connect with it and allow it to show you how much your life can be enriched by…

Beef stew for heart attack patients

July 12, 2022

I had a heart attack a couple of months ago, which required triple bypass surgery. Since I’m a widower, I make all my own cooking. This wake-up call made me re-evaluate my eating habits. So instead of the junk food I used to live with, I now want to eat delicious, heart-healthy foods that are…

Law of Attraction: Clearing Your Aura to Energize Your Vibrational Bubble

July 11, 2022

Everyone has an aura. The human aura is an energy field that surrounds our physical body. It surrounds you in all directions. In a healthy individual, it forms an egg around the body. The color your aura radiates tells how you feel. Aura contains many different colors, it is constantly changing and each shade communicates…

Buckwheat Noodles

July 10, 2022

3 servings Buckwheat flour is gluten-free, making it a good choice for anyone with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. Buckwheat is not a cereal grain, but is actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel. It is full of nutrients and has a nice nutty flavor. Buckwheat also has a low glycemic…

A Definitive Review of the iLive IH319B CD Home Music System with Radio

July 9, 2022

I am a music lover and make sure my home provides for all my interests. And adding the iLive IH319B CD Radio Home Music System to my home entertainment system is not only amazing, it’s also very satisfying. Here are some of the features you might also be interested in. Design This is a pretty…

Can a narcissist love?

July 8, 2022

Anyone who has ever loved a narcissist wonders, “Does he really love me?” “Does she appreciate me?” They are torn between their love and their pain, between staying or going, but they can’t seem to do either. Some use that they are loved; others are convinced that they are not. It’s confusing, because sometimes they…

Individual character: will it be the same after death?

July 6, 2022

Dr. Raymond Moody carefully studied the visions of people near death. They reported similar experiences to each other which he termed the ‘near death experience‘. What the typical individual notices are: “A warm spirit of light appears and this being communicates in a non-verbal way so that he thinks back to his past life and…