Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Tri Peaks Solitaire Strategy Guide

February 17, 2023

Tri Peaks Solitaire is a fun and popular solitaire game that combines elements of Golf Solitaire and Pyramid Solitaire. It has an interesting scoring system, which can lead to much higher scores when you do NOT play all the moves you can. There are 2 keys to getting a high score in Tri Peaks Solitaire:…

Cranberry Juice and Flax Seed Fat Detox – How Does It Benefit?

February 16, 2023

A juice detox diet, also known as a juice cleanse diet, will remove poisons and toxins from your body. The goal of having a good detox diet juice is to help kidney, liver and lymph functions. The readily available detox diet is natural and pure foods. Among various fat detox diets, fat detox with flax…

eye makeup color

February 15, 2023

With a plethora of makeup and beauty products hitting the market, it becomes difficult to choose the right color for an eye makeup. However, it is important to remember that eye makeup colors can be chosen according to the person’s eye color and the grandeur of the occasion. People should understand that the eyelids are…

Living in Morristown NJ While Working in New York City

February 14, 2023

Working and playing in New York City is exciting and profitable, however housing is expensive. For this reason, many people move to New Jersey along the Midtown Direct train line. If you are considering a move to New Jersey, take a good look at Morristown. The commute to your downtown office is short, while keeping…

Disney Home in Orlando – Vacation Rental

February 13, 2023

While it’s technically possible to tour the four incredible world-class theme parks that make up Disneyland in Orlando, doing so will require you to defy practicality and common sense, as well as physical limitations. If you want your family to truly enjoy a magical Disney experience, take at least a week to relax and have…

10 Steps to Reach Your Fitness Goals

February 12, 2023

Summer is fast approaching and the beaches will soon receive bikinis and swimsuits. Are you ready? Okay, do not worry. If you’re not ready to deal with the crowds of people who flock to the beaches, here’s a plan to get you in shape. Step #1 Start by setting your specific fitness goals A.Make sure…

Make a guy propose to you! This Is What Will Persuade Him To Propose To You Extremely Quickly

February 11, 2023

If your man is at a crossroads and is thinking about whether he should remain your boyfriend or become your husband, then you should be on the edge of your seat trying to wait for him to make the final decision! You can make this an easier path for him if you can gently persuade…

Low Carb Ketogenic Fast Food Menu Options: How To Eat Successfully At Restaurants

February 10, 2023

For those who eat low carb or keto diets, there is almost always something to eat at every restaurant or fast food place. Plan ahead. Before entering a restaurant, check its menu and nutritional information online at home or using your smartphone. It’s always good to be aware of safe options before being tempted by…

Candida Diet Breakfast Ideas: What To Eat On The Candida Diet For Breakfast

February 9, 2023

Looking for some great candida diet breakfast ideas? If so, I have some suggestions for you today on what to eat on your candida program. Best of all, they are easy to make and they all taste great. The other key to understanding is that breakfast, as most people see it, makes pretty much all…

You have to love Costa Rica

February 8, 2023

This Central American country has it all! We flew to San Jose, the capital city, on JetBlue from Ft Lauderdale (a great airline, by the way). He spent one night at the Carriari Doubletree Hotel and then headed to the state of Guanacaste on the Pacific Northwest coast of Costa Rica. The trip takes about…