Category: Gaming

Shadow of the Colossus Review (PS4)

May 1, 2021

It was in 2005 that Shadow of the Colossus appeared on the PS2 and became one of the best PS2 games, if not the best. Thirteen years later, this timeless classic has been reintroduced with a fresh coat of paint for today’s generation of gamers. So how does it hold up? In this review, we…

Where are all the non-linear RPGs?

April 30, 2021

Earlier today, I found myself unrealistically frustrated that I couldn’t get a copy of The Elder Scrolls III (Morrowind) on my Xbox 360. A brownie and an episode of Futurama later, it turned out that I would live through disappointment, but it made me think. Why am I driven to play an RPG released almost…

Please don’t leave me: separation anxiety from your dog

April 28, 2021

Separation anxiety is your dog’s real fear of being alone forever. This fear causes your dog to “act out” destructive behaviors that are sure to cause frustration in your home. The first rule of thumb is to train your family and friends to be responsible and keep valuables and important items in storage and out…

The health benefits of camping

April 26, 2021

Modern life as we know it is full of the Internet, social media, work, lawsuits, cell phones, pressures, and deadlines. This has an impact on our bodies by causing it to produce extra adrenaline to deal with everything. This is called the fight or flight response, and it’s when adrenaline tells every cell in your…

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, what are they and when does it happen?

April 25, 2021

The word apocalypse half revelation. In the Apocalypse of Saint John, chapter 6, four horsemen are depicted. Many and varied have been the explanations of its meaning. The Orthodox fathers associated them with the four gospels and believed that they had to do with the current ministry of Christ and the Church in this world….

Camels with incredible abilities to survive

April 24, 2021

Camels have played an important role in the lives of many people for at least four thousand years, and this is mainly because camels have a wonderful ability to live in places where other large animals could never survive. The body of a camel looks strange to us with a long curved neck, slender legs,…

Avoid these esports to extend your career

April 23, 2021

Professional athletes have a common fear that injury will end their career before they decide to retire on their own terms. When it comes to an esports injury, carpal tunnel is at the top of the list for a problem that can quickly cause video game athletes a lot of pain and close out a…

Clearing up the rumor of PS3 games

April 22, 2021

The PlayStation3 console won’t be released until later this year, but there are already rumors about it and PS3 games. The report on Theseis is a rumor that perhaps confused even the most devoted gamer. Developers and publishers, as well as game sites, have been posting their reviews, release dates, and other news on the…

Video Game Review – Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

April 21, 2021

The Call of Duty series has always been the pinnacle of modern FPS, especially thanks to its extensive multiplayer experience. The series has received a new installment every year, and the last two games, especially Ghosts, were not as highly praised, mainly because they could not add something new to the already old formula. Call…

Can a womanizer be faithful?

April 20, 2021

So before you wonder if a womanizer can be faithful, perhaps a better question should be who falls under the description of ‘womanizer’? Come on, at some point or another we’ve all met a womanizer whether it’s in the hallways of high school or in the workplace or in college; And whether you choose to…