Month: July 2023

The new Stacy Lattisaw – I’ve been through fire and I’m not the same girl!

July 4, 2023

In 1980, when young Stacy Lattisaw sang the hit song “Let Me Be Your Angel,” she had no idea the lyrics would be prophetic. Fast forward to today, we have Stacy Lattisaw-Jackson, minister and motivational speaker, CEO, wife of 19 years, and mother of two teenagers. Talking to Stacy was rewarding because she knows where…

The Role of Plumbing in Wastewater Treatment

July 4, 2023

Plumbing in Wastewater Treatment Plumbing provides clean water for drinking and bathing, drains waste into sewer systems for disposal, and supplies hot and cold water to buildings. It is a vital skill for healthcare workers who need to wash their hands thoroughly and disinfect operating rooms. The plumbing industry also contributes to sustainable health through…

How to make Facebook safe with Facebook’s privacy controls

July 4, 2023

Is Facebook safe? Yes, if you use the new Facebook privacy controls. Facebook is a perfect vehicle for networking with your friends. You can share personal information with people you trust. However, without Facebook’s necessary privacy controls, all private data will be accessible. Someone can simply find your Facebook account by Googling your name. Fortunately,…

10 easy and fun ways to relax with simple pleasures

July 4, 2023

Simple Pleasures are one of the best, fastest, and easiest stress management tools! They calm the mind, body and spirit and are easily accessible to most people. Special occasions get a lot of attention; however, most of our lives are lived in the days in between. Learn how to make those days special too by…

Silbury Hill – Chalk Mound or Pyramid Mound?

July 4, 2023

English Heritage and the Archaeological Establishment believe that Silbury Hill is a chalk mound. UNESCO describes it as the largest artificial mound in Europe. Passing by this ancient monument today, it is quite easy to readily accept this simple explanation. However, if we literally dig a little deeper and look further afield, is there more…

Get a real insight into the Kingdom of Cambodia and all its magic

July 3, 2023

Cambodia is a place little known and until recently untouched by tourism. However, it is now slowly reeling from its past and an increasing number of travelers are rediscovering Cambodia’s attractions. The kingdom of Cambodia boasts some of the most magnificent and impressive sights on the planet. The tourist attractions of this country are considerable…

First days, postpartum blues

July 3, 2023

It’s really not surprising that you feel a little fragile, is it? Your body has just spent nine months carrying and feeding a tiny human being, followed by a grueling ordeal to bring it into the world. Your hormones are all over the place, you’re probably exhausted and woken up at all hours, no wonder…

The Devil’s Paintbox by Victoria McKernan

July 3, 2023

Victoria McKernan has written a gripping survival story published by Alfred A. Knopf. It’s April 1865, the Lynch farm has been devastated by fire and drought, the last survivors of the family are Aiden, 15, and his sister Maddy, 13, and although they survived the winter, starvation is now inevitable. . The unlikely savior, Jefferson…

Shirataki noodles: are they a superfood?

July 3, 2023

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may have already heard of shirataki noodles. These noodles were invented by the Japanese over 2,000 years ago. Shirataki noodles are made from ground flour from the bulbous root (or corm) of the Konjac plant. This flour is known as konjac flour and is not a carbohydrate like…

Why men and women avoid personal training with the opposite sex

July 3, 2023

All gyms are a place for many types of gym goers, this does not include strength gyms and women-only fitness centers. All gyms offer personal training. There has always been some separation between male and female personal trainers. The big question here is why do men and women avoid personal training with the opposite sex?…