Month: February 2023

Twisted X Boots 101 – A look at his company and current picks

February 2, 2023

Twisted X has always been a household name for people who wear, love, and live for boots. Why? Well, because they use their years of boot-making experience to produce not only beautiful, but quality, hard-wearing boots that every cowboy or cowgirl would be dying to wear. But beyond its history and bootmaking exploits, there are…

Befriend your building’s janitor

February 2, 2023

Below is a quote from the movie The Barbershop. I replaced the word “barber” with “janitor.” “See, in my day, a janitor was more than just someone who sits around in a FUBU shirt with his panties dangling. In my day, a janitor was a counselor. He was a fashion expert. A style coach. Pimp….

Technical Writing – Defining Demographics

February 1, 2023

Definition of demographic Frequently, a client will specify a target audience when talking about the product. customer profile. This is a way of talking about the demographics of the people in a consumer group. One of the purposes of a demographic is to find out what specific consumer segments exist in the general population. Another…

Do you like to lie down?

February 1, 2023

Many of us like to lie down and spend more time in bed on weekends, enjoying a long-awaited rest. Maybe we eat breakfast in bed, read the papers, doze off and on, catch up on our sleep, get cozy with our partners. It’s a delight of a moment, a lovely way to spend a lazy…

Answers to your vegan questions: everything you need to know about being vegan

February 1, 2023

Perhaps you have heard of the vegan diet and are curious as to what it consists of. Or maybe you are considering becoming a vegan. This article will answer 6 common questions about this diet: What is a vegan? Vegan Vs Vegetarian – What is the difference? What do vegans eat? Where do vegans get…

Rule against perpetuities

February 1, 2023

The “rule against perpetuities” is often described as one of the most complicated legal rules in history! Its origins date back to the days of feudal England, some say as far back as 1680, when landlords often sought to control the use and disposition of property beyond the grave, a concept often referred to as…

honeymoon in hawaii

February 1, 2023

Your honeymoon in Hawaii is about to begin. Holding the hand of your beloved, you sit back and close your eyes as the plane soars into the sky. In a few hours their honeymoon begins, for real, in Hawaii. Perhaps it is the tranquility that you are looking for, walking through paths or gardens amid…

Search Engine Optimization – A Must-Have Online Marketing Method For Website Owners

February 1, 2023

Some visitors will visit your site, because you wisely included it on your business card or added it to your email signature, but most of your visitors will come from search engines. If you want people to find your personal home page when they search for your name, and for some reason your site doesn’t…

Android development: free apps consume energy

February 1, 2023

Purdue University and Microsoft recently conducted a study and revealed that approximately 75 percent of the battery power consumed by a smartphone app is used to serve third-party ads. This study covered various popular smartphone applications such as Android Browser, Angry Birds and other Ravio games. It was also reported that the application download manager…

Make them say ouch!

February 1, 2023

A lot of people spend a lot of time talking about the “X’s” and “O’s” and the details of the plays in soccer. But there is something that is often overlooked, but that will actually determine who wins and who loses in most soccer matches. It’s mental toughness. Coach Paterno would tell us that in…