Month: November 2021

Surrender to fullness

November 13, 2021

I discovered something that works for me and that I would like to share. Feel the energy behind the words. Please remember that despite all that I give in expression, understand that I am providing a menu of opportunities, not a dictation or limiting positionality. Nothing is up for debate. The debate arises from the…

I will never do it

November 13, 2021

During my childhood I was a feline person. We probably had about 6 or 7 cats before I graduated from high school. After meeting my husband in college, who had a dog, I quickly became a canine person. I discovered that I was very fond of dogs, but not just any dog; I liked large…

A Donda Poster Price in All Its glory

November 13, 2021

Donda Poster Price The Donda Poster Price in 2021 is the ultimate way to get your bike from the present to the future. Ride a new futuristic bike and be the envy of your friends. Or maybe you will just ride it to catch up with the best of them. Either way, there is no…

Superman Loves Black Suited Suits

November 13, 2021

Black Suited Suits The Superman Lives Black Suit Poster is a popular product which collects and sells comic books related to the Superman TV show. It was created by DC comics and was first released in 2021. This superman poster was supposed to be one of the best selling products for the holiday season. It…

PS4 V PC Graphics Comparison – Part Two

November 13, 2021

In our previous article on PS4 v PC graphics, we considered the graphics performance of the Sony PlayStation 4 compared to a personal computer using systems that were comparable in cost. In this second article, we look at the comparison based solely on absolute performance. Absolute performance – PS4 v PC Graphics Looking at the…

Hooks to Hits: The Key to Writing Songs That Sell

November 13, 2021

The main ingredient that distinguishes a perfectly respectable “album cut” from a hit song is the presence of a killer hook. But if those hooks were that easy to create, we would all be millionaires! How can you improve the impact of your song hooks to appeal to both audiences and people behind the desks?…

Everything you need to know about the WhatsApp messaging app

November 12, 2021

Instant messaging, often abbreviated simply as “IM” or “IMing,” is the exchange of text messages through a software application in real time. Instant messaging differs from ordinary email in the immediacy of the exchange of messages and it also makes a continuous exchange simpler than sending an email back and forth. Most of the exchanges…

Top 10 things every best-selling book should have

November 12, 2021

If you talk to any author, they will tell you that writing their book was the easy part, compared to marketing it and getting people to buy it. You can go to any bookstore and get a book on how to publish your book or do a Google search on book publishing. (I recommend Dan…

Debt is economic slavery

November 12, 2021

Being in debt and unable to find a way out is a recipe for panic and disaster that leads victims to do crazy things. With unpaid bills, threats of legal proceedings, and even loss of home, etc., the stage is set for disaster. It is a severe crisis and getting rid of the chains that…

Le Bilboquet is a great new addition to Dallas restaurants

November 12, 2021

New Yorkers have long enjoyed the ever-busy but exquisite French bistro. The Bilboquet on East 63rd Street near Madison on the Upper East Side. Now you’ve arrived in Dallas, not just in name, but accompanied by your wonderfully talented chef and some of your New York staff. It occupies that venerable space in Travis in…