Month: April 2021

Introducing the Nintendo Wii console

April 6, 2021

The Wii, which is the newest console released by Nintendo, which was released on November 19; just two days after Sony officially launched its PlayStation 3 on the 17th. The launch of the Wii has got gamers around the world excited about games. Nintendo is back for another round of console wars with its Wii…

Riding a bike: How long to lose weight?

April 6, 2021

If you have chosen a bicycle as a means to be more active, fit and healthier, then you have made the right choice. Riding a bike is one of the most effective ways to lose weight, but it’s important to do some work before you see any progress. But how much effort should you really…

Staking out Leyland cypress trees is critical

April 6, 2021

Leyland cypress trees catch a lot of wind! A deciduous tree like Maples or Oaks has leaves that twist at the edge to let the wind pass, but Leyland Cypress and Thuja Green Giant trees catch the wind. It is important to use the proper stakes and tie-down material for each tree size, and when…

Know your sushi

April 6, 2021

Originally, the word “Sushi” referred to the vinigared rice that was placed under the preserved fish. The vinegar, salt, and sugar from the fish would seep into the rice, which was initially discarded. Nowadays Sushi refers to both the rice and the fish that is used. There are many different types of sushi and here…

Does your dog bite? How to protect yourself and your dog from liability

April 6, 2021

MuttShack Foundation for Animal Foster and Rescue, states that dogs bite more than 4.7 million people each year in the United States. The fault could be the dog, the owner or the victim. But who invariably pays, is the owner. The dog owner is responsible for paying medical bills, time lost from work, as well…

Top Online Closing Techniques to Drive More Sales

April 6, 2021

We have prepared a report with “101 Closing Techniques to Help Buyers Say YES!” but frankly not all of them will work in an online environment. But if your business is like mine, most of it is online … not all. So we must be good at all closing techniques. And if you are like…

Ascent of Death 3

April 6, 2021

I have to admit that all this zombie craziness is getting a bit outdated. We have had many carnivorous undead scenarios with The Walking Dead, World War Z, Left 4 Dead, even Plants versus Zombies! So when I got a chance to review Ascent of Death 3 for Xbox One, he wasn’t exactly jumping for…

All about buying and selling old panties.

April 6, 2021

Did you know that you can buy and sell used panties? Here are some things to keep in mind about trading: Buying old panties There are many reasons why people would buy old underwear: Collectors: These simply collect the underwear and store it. They are similar to car collectors, but now they are passionate about…

Italy’s Secret Gems: Alessandria and Asti

April 6, 2021

However, Alessandria’s most famous son is not a soldier, a businessman or an aristocrat. It’s a hat. The most famous hat in the world: Borsalino. The first Borsalino was created by Giuseppe Borsalino in 1865. Since then, it was the favorite accessory of Napoleon and also of Humphrey Bogart. If you are curious to find…

How to dribble a basketball better using your imagination!

April 6, 2021

Imagination is really a great tool for success. If you can’t imagine something, it’s probably not possible. If you lack confidence or have a negative outlook on something, you can usually overcome these problems by using your imagination. You do not remember Playing cops and robbers as a child or playing house? These are just…