Category: Shopping Product Reviews

What qualifies as retrogaming?

July 1, 2021

Whether or not a game or system qualifies as retrogaming is something difficult to quantify and something that different people will often think of very differently. The ‘retro’ in the word ‘retrogaming’ is itself a bit misleading. Retro, by definition, is a style that intentionally evokes memories of an old style that has since gone…

To help! A Pokémon is invading my lawn

June 30, 2021

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock since July 6, 2016, at least you know that millions of people around the world now spend every spare moment hunting Pokémon. (For the uninitiated who are about to correct my grammar, I am sure that Pokémon is both singular and plural, there are no ‘Pokemons’). It’s an…

Tips on how to choose the right game console for you

June 29, 2021

Today’s games have become a way of life for many people. They start and end the day by playing their favorite video and online games. Many people actually find games addictive – they just won’t feel good or complete without firing their virtual gun or building a digital house or fortress in one day. But…

State lines and PI: to cross or not to cross

June 28, 2021

State limits and PI: to cross or not to cross that is the question. A Shakespearean riddle. Your driver’s license is accepted in all 50 states. So is your marriage license. What about your IP license? NASIR stated, several years ago, that it hoped that one day the IP license would also be accepted in…

16 Christmas gift alternatives to video games for kids in 2010

June 27, 2021

Everyone knows that children love video games. They are on the wish list of almost every child between the ages of 7 and 17. But at some point, you have to wonder if kids play video games too much. So this year, instead of getting them another Xbox 360 or Wii game, consider these electronic…

Microsoft Office error: fix error code 30102-11

June 26, 2021

If you receive a “something went wrong” message during Microsoft Office installation, you should check the bottom of the message to find the error code. If it displays “Error Code 30102-11”, you can continue with the resolution below. The main reason for error 30102-11 is that your antivirus software or firewall is interfering with the…

The trend of mobile games

June 25, 2021

Recently, mobile games have gained quite a large share in terms of revenue. Gaming consoles / platforms and online gaming giants have dominated the gaming industry for the past few decades, but with the massive insurgents of mobile gaming, change is definitely coming and change is welcome, especially for the avid and enthusiastic gamers. The…

WoW Fishing: easy gold at lower levels

June 24, 2021

I admit, fishing is a lot less glamorous than going out and killing bears or murlocs at lower levels, but, if done right, it can make you a lot more gold than the leftovers you’ll collect from killing mobs. While most fish only serve to improve your cooking skills or feed your pet if you…

How to fix "FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Exe: entry point not found" Errors in Windows 10 (repair)

June 23, 2021

Fortnite is one of the most popular games today, with an estimated 12+ million monthly active players. While its “free” price is obviously a major draw, one of the other aspects was its versatility across many different platforms. If you are running the game on PS4, PC, or Nintendo Switch, you can play it with…

Would you spend $ 1,000 on a smartphone?

June 22, 2021

Apple is ready to launch its highly anticipated iPhone 8. Reportedly, the phone will have all sorts of new features and a new design. It will take the device to a new level in looks and performance. The price could also take an iPhone user to a new level. Apple’s 10th anniversary phone could cost…