Category: Pets

Advantages and disadvantages of the Australian Shepherd of having this fascinating pet

June 18, 2021

Reasons for and against having an Australian Shepherd as a pet The Australian Shepherd is the quintessential sheepdog. He rose to fame as a sheep herder and, although it probably originated in the Pyrenees mountains, it was exported to Australia and other sheep farming areas. He is known by a few other names, but most…

Maltipoo puppies are so cute

June 17, 2021

The Maltipoo is one of the cutest puppies in the canine world without a doubt! With their cute button nose, fluffy fur, and round, shiny eyes, you can’t help but fall in love with them. The Maltipoo is known by many names and is spelled in different ways. Maltipoo can be written: Maltepoo, Maltapoo, Malt-i-poo,…

The Pit Bull’s Dilemma: Why Do Some Of Them Attack Young Children?

June 16, 2021

I am a dog lover to the bottom of my heart, from head to toe. And regardless of what you read or hear about pit bull attacks, I have nothing against pit bull breeds. Maia, my black lab mix, is 1/4 pit bull and is the most loving and sensitive dog I have ever owned….

How to quickly stop a dog’s barking

June 15, 2021

Dog barking is a very common behavioral problem that causes pet owners great pain. It irritates neighbors, drives away the postman, causes neighborhood disturbances and sometimes lawsuits. In this article, you will learn why dogs bark and the causes of inappropriate barking. You will discover why debarking surgery is never recommended and is considered unethical….

Where is the largest neon sign in the world?

June 14, 2021

Where is this giant sign? It is right where it should be. There is only one logical place in this country where it could be. No, it is not in New York City. A neon sign of this size needs a lot of space. You also have to advertise somewhere that is popular enough that…

Are you hiring employees or retailers?

June 13, 2021

There is a difference … and you and your people must live with it! If you sell larger ticket items for the most part, hopefully some real “salespeople” will work for you. Most of the time, typical retailers are the ones you often find running a small retail store. And I certainly understand that they…

Miracle of Saint Catherine of Bologna

June 12, 2021

Saint Catherine of Bologna Of Visionaries, Mystics and Stigmatists Perhaps, one of the greatest miracles is the corrupt body of our Saint, seated on a royal throne in a Chapel to the left of the main altar in the Church of Corpus Domini in Bologna. It remains intact, never decomposing for more than five hundred…

Supplements For Dogs And Cats: What Your Pets Would Really Want If You Could Tell Them

June 11, 2021

Supplements for dogs and cats allow all types of pet owners to do the best for their furry friends. In addition to providing endless love, food, and safe haven, there is so much more you can do for your dogs and cats to keep them happy and healthy. Nutritional supplements for dogs and cats can…

Seizures in pets

June 10, 2021

Witnessing your precious dog or cat seizure can be a most terrifying experience. During seizures, pets often lose control, fall, bite their teeth, salivate or drool, whine, paddle with their feet, and begin to urinate or weaken themselves. Your eyes get bigger (dilate) and don’t respond. A pet keeper feels panicky and helpless as he…

How dog poop caught a criminal

June 9, 2021

The Scratch and Sniff Animal Shelter in a small town in Iowa had been looking for someone to volunteer to care for the dogs and cats on their premises. Specifically, they wanted someone to volunteer to pick up the dogs they were walking. A man in his forties entered the shelter to volunteer for the…