Category: Legal Law

On police brutality

September 19, 2022

Whenever a law enforcement officer uses more force than is necessary to restrain and control an offender, either verbally or physically, he or she has committed a crime considered police brutality. While police brutality has a long history around the world, in the United States today it is not an acceptable procedure. It is the…

What will happen to your small business when you die?

September 18, 2022

Planning for your business succession can be a daunting thought. Unfortunately, many people continue to grow their business without planning for what will happen when they retire or die. Small business owners are particularly hesitant about estate planning because they are overwhelmed with day-to-day operations. Additionally, they are often reluctant to make decisions that may…

A Beginner’s Guide to Forging Your Own Japanese Katana Sword

September 17, 2022

The beauty and reverence of a handmade Katana cannot be argued with. Its elegant and specific design has spilled over into film and literature. Known for being able to finish off an enemy with a single blow, Katana swords are one of the most sought-after historical weapons in the world. Katanas, also known as samurai…

Dental Hygiene, an Ancient Practice – The Story of the Toothbrush

September 16, 2022

One of the most frequently asked questions by adults and children is the origin of the toothbrush. There are various schools of thought as to when the actual toothbrush was created, but it is necessary to look back in time for the earliest evidence of oral hygiene. The Chinese were believed to have created the…

How are the banking and legal sectors embracing AI and document automation software?

September 15, 2022

Like it or not, we’re moving into a more automated era in both business and home life, with technology like Amazon’s “Alexa” Echo already becoming part of daily routines. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to shape and accelerate the way we handle information and process data, this advancement is also leading to increased business efficiency….

Internet home business opportunities for students

September 14, 2022

Let’s be honest. With today’s rising prices, education is now seen as more of a privilege than a necessity. And anyone who has struggled as a student will know that he doesn’t just have to worry about tuition; There are also the essential details like food, rent, study dates, transportation, and piloting projects. So what…

I can’t afford a lawyer to help me defend my home from mortgage fraud

September 13, 2022

“A plan set forth to deprive the people of the benefits, blessings, and ends of contract, to subvert the foundations of the constitution, to deprive them of all participation in the making and execution of laws, will justify a revolution.John Adams, Novanglus Papers, 1774 AM I SUPPOSED TO PASS SIDE? AND THAT THE LENDER TAKES…

DUI Breathalyzer Accuracy

September 12, 2022

Anyone who has been pulled over and arrested for a DUI charge is likely to find the entire process very difficult and stressful. Additionally, with the reported increase in crashes involving drivers under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances, authorities are doing their best to prosecute all offenders. To prove that a person is…

Sex without consent is rape regardless of intent

September 11, 2022

Men are not victims of rape through intercourse because it is an act of male dominance. Male rape (by other men) is not so common that men take precautions against it. Men are raped within institutions such as prisons, boarding schools, the armed forces, etc. where men are imprisoned without women. The National Crime Victimization…

Hire the right real estate attorney

September 10, 2022

Investing in a property is a very important decision in life. You are going to invest all your savings, in some cases a considerable loan, in the purchase of a property that you will treasure for the rest of your life. You don’t want to spend that money buying something that isn’t worth it. It…