Category: Digital Marketing

Digital Media Vs Traditional Media – A Comparative Analysis

October 18, 2022

There is no doubt that social and digital media are significantly affecting consumer behavior. With the growth of the Internet, companies have realized the need to strengthen their online presence and are therefore spending a lot of resources on digital marketing. Whereas advertising was previously limited mainly to newspapers, radio and television, today it has…

SEO – How to embed keywords for your real estate website

October 17, 2022

SEO or search engine optimization is the science of website ranking on search engine sites. All real estate websites should aim to please search engine sites so that they rank on the first page of search. Search websites decide which websites to display when there is a query on their platform and to help them…

How can image sharing grow your business?

October 16, 2022

With the increasing number of photos being shared on the internet across the growing number of photo-sharing platforms, it’s clear that people are more drawn to images than text. Yet another fact is that millions of pictures and images floating on the World Wide Web are not just selfies and photos, they also include images…

How to market luxury products and increase market share in Asian countries

October 15, 2022

Your product is considered a luxury product, but the fact that your product is a luxury brand does not guarantee that it will sell well in Asian markets. Despite this obvious fact, many companies bring products to market with bogus conclusions and biased strategic plans, often failing to execute on their business objectives. These companies…

Complete Study Guide for WordPress Website Creation

October 14, 2022

The complete guide to learning WordPress Learning WordPress can be a very long road for an inexperienced programmer. This guide can help you go from being a programming illiterate to a freelance billionaire programmer. It is intended as an overview of the steps required to become a proficient WordPress developer. This guide can help both…

Why keyword research tools, SEO and advanced keyword research are so important

October 13, 2022

The Internet has grown in recent years and has therefore provided a great advertising and marketing platform for many marketers and advertisers due to its ever-increasing number of users. To get the most out of your marketing efforts, keyword research tools, SEO, and advanced keyword research strategies have become increasingly important. The rise of the…

Find the highest quality anime and manga books

October 12, 2022

With the growing popularity of anime and manga, a large number of new books on these topics are being written and published every day. Regardless of whether your interest in these topics is purely a hobby or you are doing research for an essay or article, having several different books at your disposal can be…

The importance of social media marketing today

October 11, 2022

Marketing is essential to any business and is generally referred to as the most important aspect of any business strategy. Large companies spend millions of dollars to hire reputable agencies to handle the marketing of their business, while smaller companies rely on more creative and profitable methods. In today’s extremely competitive world, social media marketing…

Being Successful – Personal Planning, Part 3 – Mind Maps

October 10, 2022

When trying to put together your plan for success, it’s often helpful to write down all the major factors: the goal, the steps to achieve the goal, the time and resources available, the time and resources needed to achieve the goal, etc. This is the basic concept behind a business plan and why they are…

SEO 101 – Search Engine Optimization for the Entire Moron

October 9, 2022

In this article SEO 101 – Search Engine Optimization for the Complete Moron, you will learn how to get top placement on Google, Yahoo, MSN and all other search engines in a matter of days. By following the 4 steps detailed in this article SEO 101 – Search Engine Optimization for the Complete Moron, you…