Category: Arts Entertainments

Criminalization may be the only way to end bullying

May 13, 2021

According to the United States Department of Justice, one in four children will be bullied as a teenager. This implies that bullying has become so widespread that it can serve as a destructive force for society. The severity of the bullying has been a concern for many, leading one to consider whether criminalizing the offenders…

Reality shows: why are they so popular?

May 12, 2021

Shows like “The Soup” with Joel McHale poke fun at reality shows while on the same network as them. There is an entire network dedicated just to showing reality shows, The Reality Show Network. Activities, from tattoo parlors to motorcycle spots, are on reality shows. Many times these shows interact with each other like in…

Who will be our next president? Uranian Astrologer Predicts Trump’s Opportunity in the Oval Office

May 10, 2021

I’m writing this article on Tuesday, August 2, after visiting the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and stopping by to see my friend Melva Ortiz. The departure was a perfect way to welcome the New Moon in Leo. We got talking about the upcoming election and Donald’s graphic. (June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am EDT, Queens NY)…

Erin Andrew Peephole video links spread malware

May 9, 2021

ESPN sports reporter Erin Andrews never got as much coverage for her game coverage until it emerged that there was a video of Erin Andrews naked, taken through a peephole, floating around the web. Be careful before searching for the Erin Andrew Peephole video: Careful where you place your cursor, you end up with a…

Tie Colors – What does it mean to wear ties of certain colors?

May 7, 2021

Neckwear is associated with business, special occasions, and sophistication. Skimping on a quality tie or wearing an old-fashioned tie can send the wrong message at an important moment, as can the color of the tie. What message am I projecting with this colored tie? These are some basic colors used and the message they project:…

DIY lighting kits

May 4, 2021

Your video recording is off to a great start. Even though you’re on a tight budget and no frills, you’re getting the quality shots you want. A problem arises when you plan the next phase of your production, an indoor shoot. Your budget will not allow you to pay for professional lighting. Renting professional lights…

Honesty will set you free, not so much The truth: reality

May 3, 2021

When I think of life, I don’t think of the truth. The truth is what normal people think to their own detriment. Honesty and reality are where they are. If honesty and reality weren’t where they were, then we’d all have a great life instead of just boring and unsatisfying full of truth. Honesty replaces…

Things to avoid when looking for vacation homes

May 2, 2021

Beware of tenants. Fraudulent vacation home listings have become increasingly popular. Scammers have become highly skilled at hacking legitimate real estate databases and even drafting actual leases. Unfortunately, websites like Craigslist just aren’t aggressive enough to challenge the tricks and techniques used by today’s sophisticated scammers. Here are some typical tricks and tricks scammers use…

LOHAS and ZOOMERS: Market Segments You Need to Know About

May 1, 2021

Demographics, everyone is trying to understand it. Marketers use demographics to explain who their audience is and why their customers buy what they buy. Typically those demographics are Gen X, Gen Y, Baby Boomers, and the traditional 18-24, 25-34 age demographics, etc., but really this type of targeting is just the tip of the iceberg….

Strange dreams and the writer

April 30, 2021

Sometimes my dreams scare me. Sometimes they make me laugh. Literally. The whole scene from the movie The Waterboy, in which a university professor asks the class why alligators are aggressive and in which Adam Sandler stands up and scientifically explains “Because alligators have all teeth and they don’t have a toothbrush. of teeth, “he…