Month: June 2023

IT and telecom trends in 2007

June 3, 2023

I have been asked to give my opinion on what trends are likely to emerge during 2007 in the Information and Communication Technologies market. As usual, this will be a mix of “duh, of course, what do you think!” write things down and some ideas of “what’s smoking?” which may well be out of place….

6 Credit Reporting Secrets to Know Before Applying for a Mortgage!

June 3, 2023

Many people today have blemishes on their credit reports. Whether it’s a dreaded case of identity theft or failure to pay bills on time, these credit mishaps can cost a person thousands in interest if left uncorrected. We’ll see: What constitutes a credit score? A credit score is made up of five components. Payment history…

The 5 Pillars of Network Marketing: The Foundation of Your Long-Term Success

June 3, 2023

A network marketing company is your financial vehicle: the thing that takes you from where you are independent now to where you want to be. Even if you are a good driver, you need to have a safe, reliable and efficient vehicle to get you to your destination. So how do you know if your…

How to Assess the Mineral Content of Distilled Water

June 3, 2023

Assess the Mineral Content of Distilled Water Distillation is a method that removes all dissolved minerals and chemical compounds from water. The result is water that’s nearly pure, which has many uses for people and industry. Distillation also eliminates waterborne disease-causing bacteria, making it a choice for laboratories and pharmacies. But distilled water does lack…

Prefab Outdoor Kitchen Islands – The Perfect Way To Enjoy The Outdoors

June 3, 2023

Prefab outdoor kitchen islands are the practical option for building the perfect outdoor kitchen possible. For most homeowners, outdoor kitchens provide a more unique and enjoyable outdoor experience that they could easily share with their guests and loved ones. Despite the fairly high cost, the benefits of prefab kitchen islands far outweigh their drawbacks. People…

Increase in cybercrime

June 3, 2023

Cybercrime is on the rise. Your money and your life: Gone in sixty seconds flat! “How?” you ask. Okay, let me elaborate on some of the many ways cybercriminals steal your money and literally your life, and they can do it in seconds, not minutes or hours. Until now, you had heard about this topic…

Five Essential Steps to Developing Your Own Reality Show or Documentary Film

June 3, 2023

These five steps will get you on the road to developing your own reality TV show or documentary film with a well-thought-out, professional concept and a strong 30-second pitch. 1. THE TASK: The first step in developing your show or documentary is research. As you begin to clarify your idea, do your homework. Think of…

Help for Parents: 9 Childhood Slips to Avoid

June 3, 2023

The best parenting help in the world would be if each young child came with an individual owner’s manual to help parents through the tough times of childhood. Sure there’s plenty of helpful advice from other moms, dads, and professionals, but every child is different, with a different temperament, so parents often end up on…

Book Review – Between Two Bridges by Victor Colaio

June 2, 2023

It was sometime in the mid-1980s. I was having dinner at Forlini’s restaurant at 93 Baxter Street in midtown Manhattan with my good friend Rudy Riska, who was the athletic director of the Downtown Athletic Club and was known as the King of Heisman Trophy. I grew up across the street from Forlini’s, in a…

Fierce resolution and physical confrontation

June 2, 2023

If I use the term “fierce resolve”, am I referring to some kind of animal behavior? Why yes I am! It is the innate survival instinct that we all share. It is part of the winning mentality that you must develop in order to win an all-out battle against another human aggressor. A physical confrontation…