Month: February 2023

Affiliate Marketing – Online Affiliate Marketing Part 26 – Other Traffic and Methods!

February 18, 2023

Coupons work like discounts, except they can be distributed even outside of the website or blog. You can offer digital coupons to multiple users, and they can give it to their friends, who not only learn about what you’re offering, but also become interested in the lure of “earning your money.” At the very least,…

Smart sharks, dumb people

February 18, 2023

Sharks have been on this earth for over 450 million years and counting. Therefore, it is safe to assume that they have the brains and tools that help them survive and even thrive in certain protected areas. They are perfect eating machines and do their job very well no matter where in the world they…

The Legend of Juggin Joe – A sneak peek at the comedy sensation you won’t want to miss!

February 18, 2023

THE FROG INCIDENT As I remember this particular event, which we all refer to as the “Froggin Incident,” it all started off innocent enough. We were on a nice summer Saturday meeting at Doc and Isabel’s house. The people who had come to visit us were enjoying very good music and food and a couple…

Why am I getting all those privacy emails?

February 18, 2023

Everyone is receiving privacy emails in response to the EU (European Union) GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) enactment for websites. It can feel like a “house on fire” when you also start hearing fearful proclamations about making your own website compliant. So let’s take a deep breath and face reality. Why website privacy laws? The…

How can financial counseling for credit repair help?

February 18, 2023

Many people with bad credit seek the professional help and advice of a financial credit repair counselor. But how can financial advice really help you? Here are some ways a specialist can help you with your current financial situation. Remove negative items from your credit report Debt specialists can negotiate with creditors to remove negative…

Stainless steel sink in your traditional kitchen

February 18, 2023

Among all the parts of the house, the kitchen must be the cleanest place of all. It must be impeccably clean because it is where you will prepare food for the rest of the family. A sloppy kitchen can translate into unhealthy food. You wouldn’t want to risk giving your kids bacteria from dirty corners…

Expert tips for success in digital marketing

February 18, 2023

Here are some expert tips for successful digital marketing: 1. Adopt a data-driven strategy: In recent times, there has been a growing trend of organizations consciously working with data-driven business strategies. These strategies can be considered as one of the evolutionary steps in the history of marketing. The data collected can be used to organize…

Unusual Chili Recipes – 4 Quirky But Wonderful Chili Meals

February 17, 2023

Craving chili, but tired of the same bean chili you’ve had countless times? Good. Time to shake things up a bit and try something different to excite your taste buds. Here are four unique chili recipes that will give your chili cravings some much-needed variety. => Chili Mexican Pumpkin The sweet and earthy flavor of…

What is better: walking or running?

February 17, 2023

I walk briskly for an hour a day to help keep my weight down and my cardiovascular fitness. Why not run instead of walk, you ask? Well, with my back it’s still not 100%, even though the surgery was six years ago; coupled with very bad knees, walking was the logical choice! However, I have…

When is it time to pull the bankruptcy trigger?

February 17, 2023

Recently, it was reported that the average American has $16,000 in credit card debt. While $16,000 doesn’t sound like a lot of money, this number was only $4000 in 2008 and you still have to consider the income of the average American himself. Four years ago the average was $40,000 a year and now it…