Month: September 2021

Here’s my experience with electronic pest repellent for pest offenses – the pros and cons

September 9, 2021

I first found out about the Pest Offense electronic pest repellent when I was looking for a safe pest repellent to use on my dog ​​and cats. He didn’t want to use one that contained poison of any kind. Nor did I want to use a trap. Look, I was having a problem with the…

The benefits of swimming over running

September 9, 2021

Whether you choose to run or swim, both will help you lose weight and improve your cardiovascular capacity. The benefits of swimming outweigh those of running for many reasons. What’s so good about swimming? Resistance effect in water: strengthens the body. Burn calories Keeps Blood Pressure Low – Good cardiovascular exercise without straining your heart….

Young Teacher: Thinking of Starting a Family? Consider these issues before you stop teaching

September 9, 2021

You are a young teacher. He worked hard to earn his degree and find a teaching position. You love what you do. You are good at it. But you love your spouse, you both want a family and you are not getting any younger. They are both well educated and know the importance of staying…

Natural foods that kill parasites

September 9, 2021

There are many natural foods that can kill parasites without using harmful medications that can cause serious side effects. These are natural foods that help create an environment in which parasites become uncomfortable and therefore are forced to die or leave the body. Parasites can only survive in the body if the environment suits them….

Sammie and the new baby

September 9, 2021

Newcomer author Sue Gilligan-Hannon introduces readers to her two lovable goldendoodles, Sammie and Lula, in her new book, Sammie and the New Baby, the first in a planned series of books addressing themes common to young families. Sammie is a very, very happy dog ​​who loves and adores his family. You can take long walks…

Four rules of business expansion

September 9, 2021

To be a champion agent, you must understand the four rules of business expansion. These rules are universal for all companies, but especially for service companies where competition is high and opportunities for repeat customers and referrals are greater. Those factors describe the real estate business well. These four rules control the level of risk…

A poignant quote from Henry Ford

September 9, 2021

I have seen this very good quote from Henry Ford: “Uniting is a beginning. Staying together is a process. Working together is a success.” And they led me to write an article about it and I hope I can do it justice. You see in this world of internet marketing, there are different people who…

Twelve seeds to plant to keep your sales funnel full

September 9, 2021

If you have a few full-time clients and need more, you need to market your business on an ongoing basis. When you do this, your sales funnel remains full and you align prospects so that you constantly have new customers. Once you have this funnel, getting customers becomes a numbers game and it works in…

Las Vegas is booming – why it’s so hard to find a good deal on a hotel room!

September 9, 2021

With 130,000 hotel rooms available (148,978 if you include Nye County and Laughlin), you might think “bargains” will be found. You are most likely wrong! It’s increasingly difficult to find a “deal” in a city whose major resort properties are operating near capacity. Why? Because the properties of the best resorts are controlled by a…

Slavic folklore: Lesnik – Leshy

September 8, 2021

Lesnik (Leshy) is a Slavic forest spirit similar to Greek satyrs. He is loud, friendly to shepherds, and is depicted as a humanoid with horns and helmets or as an old man. The Slavic peoples of the pre-Christian era were deeply connected with nature. The belief that nature is inhabited by spirits and demons was…