Month: April 2021

Legal Recruitment: How to Explain Bad Grades

April 3, 2021

As a practicing attorney who volunteers regularly at a couple of local law schools, I spend a lot of time advising students. A question I get frequently during recruiting season is, “How can I explain to interviewers why my grades are not very good?” While it’s true that you can’t change your ratings, the way…

Dream therapy: dreams can solve emotional problems

April 3, 2021

Why should we care about dreams? Aren’t dreams silly … just random neurons firing? Evolution has chosen to dream. Sleep researchers tell us that all humans and many animals dream multiple times each night. Dream sleep is so important that experimental subjects who are prevented from experiencing REM sleep, the part of sleep in which…

AKC’s popularity curse – Yorkies for sale

April 3, 2021

You can’t be much cuter than Yorkshire Terrier puppies. When they are only eight weeks old, they are a dazzling mix of chic and scruffy. Since the breed is so small and its exercise needs are virtually nil, you can find Yorkies for sale in pet stores, classifieds, dog magazines, and online advertisements. And it…

Home Improvement Tips: 15 Profitable Ways To Improve Your Home Exterior

April 3, 2021

Introduction The saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is not always pleasant. A great counterexample to this would be in terms of the home’s exterior appearance. You can definitely make the effort to make your home a point of attraction for passersby on the street, without breaking the bank. That’s how. 1. Prune…

Farming crabs in Westfall in World of Warcraft

April 3, 2021

Not all that glitters is gold. Sometimes they are crabs It’s hard to believe that this place produces gold. I read about a place on the Westfall Northwest shoreline of the Jangolode Mine (pictured above) that has crabs that reappear almost instantly after dying. These crabs are only level 14, so any high-level player in…

Monday Night Soccer Trivia – Part 1

April 3, 2021

Monday Night Football, now on ESPN, is an American institution. Many of the best games in history have been featured over the years on Monday Night Football. Monday Night Football matches have been popular with fans and players alike. Fans love it because it usually features teams that were successful during the previous season and…

Myrtle beach here we go

April 3, 2021

Whenever our family is planning a trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, it’s like the night before Christmas all over the house. Usually we start packing like former Baltimore football team the Colts. Under cover of darkness we loaded the vehicle with fishing gear, coolers, luggage, some sandwiches and lemonade. Even though it’s only a…

Solving Problems Made Easy with Occam’s Razor

April 3, 2021

In the film Contact Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey are at a cocktail party in Washington debating the possible existence of God. Jodie is not a believer. She is a scientist who wants empirical evidence before believing anything. He is an intensely religious believer who feels that faith, by definition, is belief in God without…

Want to make a great food ordering app? Get hooked on these inherent features

April 3, 2021

Truly, online food ordering has created its value as a separate industry segment in recent years due to the proliferation of websites and the development of mobile applications. Plus, it makes busy people’s lives so much easier, saving them time and changing the way they eat dinner. According to studies, the food delivery segment accounts…

Real Estate Disclosure Laws

April 2, 2021

These laws legally obligate the seller of a home to disclose any serious property defects to the potential buyer. The laws were created to help protect the buyer from any defects that were not noticed until they closed the house and became homeowners. Real estate disclosure laws are often difficult to enforce because what are…